Chapter 2

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"Alright so what do we have?" Lieutenant Bensen asked as she walked into the precinct.
"A girl by the name of Hazel Foster says she was sexually assaulted by a guy she met at a friend's party." Rollins said.
"Does she remember anything?" Lieutenant Benson asked
"Not much. She says she remembers having a drink with some friends and then nothing." Rollins said
"We'll see if you can find any witnesses, any evidence to help our case." Lieutenant Benson said and headed into her office. Just another day at SVU.

Courtney's POV
Here's to another day. I got up early seeing as I couldn't sleep anymore and I was off today so I figured I'd drop the kids off at Rafael's mom's so that I could do some errands.
"Hello?" Lucia asked
"Hello Lucia. It's Courtney. Rafael's wife." I said
"Oh yes of course. What can I do for you dear?" Lucia asked
"Well I was wondering if you could watch Luca and Lucy while I run some errands. If you can't I'll just take them with me." I said.
"Oh don't worry about it dear. I would love to see my grandkids! Bring them over whenever you're ready." Lucia said.
"Thank you so much!" I said and hung up.
I got myself ready and then got the kids ready.
"Mommy? Why we get up so early?" Luca said with a yawn.
"You and your sister are going to spend the day with abuela while mommy does some things." I say as I finished getting Luca ready and started on his sister.
"Yay! Grammy!" Luca said excitedly.
Once I changed his sister I got their bag ready and each their favorite toy.
"Let's go." I said and put the kids in the car and headed to Lucia's.
Once I was there I parked and knocked on the door.
"There's my grand babies." Lucia said and picked them up and hugged and kissed them. She brought them inside and I set their stuff down.
"Thank you for watching them." I said
"Anytime dear. Now run along and do what you need to do. We'll have loads of fun. Won't we?" Lucia asked the kids who just smiled happily.
"Well alright. You remember their food allergies right?" I asked
"Yes. Everything will be fine. Run along." Lucia said
"Well here's a list of their allergies just in case." I said putting the list down.
"Yes now go dear." Lucia said
"Bye Luca, Bye Lucy. Be good for grandma." I said as I was pushed out the door. I then headed to the store and did some grocery shopping, after that I went to the pharmacy seeing as I wasn't feeling well lately. Just as I was coming out of the pharmacy and heading to my car someone grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth before I could scream and dragged me to a nearby alley.
I tried to fight the guy off but he slapped me and hit me.
"Long time no see." The guy said and when I got a look at him I saw it was my ex-boyfriend before I started dating Rafael.
I tried to struggle but he slammed my head on the ground knocking me out.
"Sweet dreams princess."

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