Chapter 27

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I was tired. Rafael has been gone by the time I would get up and our newest additions weren't any help. Both of the boys had kept me up all night. I sighed as I got up and just settled on some leggings and a sweater today. I saw that Oliver and Milo were asleep for the time being so I headed downstairs and made myself an iced coffee. I then quickly had an apple and just as I finished I could hear crying. I sighed and headed upstairs. I saw Milo and Oliver both up.
I grabbed Milo, changed his diaper and then put him back in his crib and then changed his brother. I then grabbed them and headed downstairs. I then set them both down on a blanket and made them bottle just as the older two were coming down stairs.

"Morning mommy!" Luca said.
"Hi mommy!" Lucia said
"Hi you two. Here is some cereal for you two. Eat up while mommy feeds Oliver and Milo." I said and grabbed the bottles and began to feed them one at a time. Once I burped both,I set them down and went back into the kitchen and cleaned the older two's mess.
"Go play." I said.
"I want to go to the park!" Lucy said.
"Why not mommy." Luca asked.
"Because mommy is tired and I am not taking out your brothers yet." I said.
"No fair." Lucy said and stomped off with her brother. I sighed. How was I going to do this? How was I going to handle two new babies, and two almost three year olds by myself? I don't think I can do this." I thought and began to cry.

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