Chapter 3

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Olivia's POV
I was in my office seeing if I could find any more info on the Hazel case, but nothing was turning up. Just then my phone rang.
"Lieutenant Benson....On my way." I said and hung up and headed out of my office.
"Barba. What are you doing here?" I asked stopping in my tracks not expecting him.
"Seeing if you guys got anymore on the Hazel case." Barba said.
"Not yet. Finn, Carisi, continue to keep digging Amaro, Rollins come with me. We're heading to the hospital. There was another rape victim." I said
"Same M.O.?" Rollins asked.
"No." I said and headed to the hospital with Amaro and Rollins.
Once there I headed to the desk.
"Hi I was called about a rape victim." I asked
"Yes room 12B."I said
"Thanks." I said and headed to 12B with Rollins and Amaro.
I knocked on the door and saw a girl in her mid , maybe late 20s.
"Hi I'm Olivia, this is Amanda and Nick. What's your name?" I asked
"Courtney." The girl said shyly.
"Do you have a last name Courtney?" I asked
"Barba." Courtney said which shocked Nick, Amanda and I.
She was quite young. I looked at Nick and Amanda and then back at Courtney.
"Can you tell me what happened Courtney?" I asked and she looked at me then Nick. Nick nodded and left.

Nick's POV
I was in shock just like Amanda and Olivia when she said her last name is Barba. She looked very young. Maybe she was a sibling? She couldn't be his wife right? Even though, I wasn't too crazy about him I decided to call Barba.
"Hello? Did you find anything out from the victim?" Barba asked getting right to the point.
"Barba do you have any siblings?" I asked getting to the point.
"That's completely irrelevant and none of your business if I do. Why?" He asked curiously.
"There's a girl here in the hospital who was attacked. Her name is Courtney Barba." I said waiting for Barba to say something but there was just silence on the phone.
"Barba?" I asked
"I'll be right there." Barba said and hung up quickly. What was going on?" I thought.

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