Chapter 5

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Courtney's POV
The doctors wanted to keep me over night. They said they wanted to watch me closely for 24 hours. Rafael went home not because he wanted to but because I told him to. I told him to pick up Luca and Lucy and watch them. I didn't want them to see me right now, not like this. I laid in the hospital bed, I was so tired and in pain. The bruises on me would take time to heal. The doctors had done a rape kit on me and that made it all more real.
I slowly closed my eyes as I fell asleep. I was so tired and I just wanted to escape this whole situation. But what I dreamt was more of a nightmare rather than a peaceful escape.

Courtney's Dream
"Embry stop!" I giggled as my boyfriend of a year and a half tickled me.
"No I don't think so." Embry said with a laugh.
"Hey Embry! Come here for a sec!" His friend Tommy said.
"I'll be right back babe." Embry said and kissed me and walked over to his friend.
He started whispering something to him while I just waited for him.
He then came over with an angry look on his face.
"Babe, what's wrong?" I asked worried as I softly put my hand on his cheek. He grabbed my wrist tightly and glared at me.
"How dare you cheat on me!" Embry yelled.
"What? I would never do that. I love you Embry." I said scared.
"Then how come Tommy saw you with another guy from the reservation." Embry
"He's lying!" I yelled
"Who was it?!" Embry said tightening his grip on my wrists.
"Please Embry let go! You're hurting me! Tommy lied!" I said and he slapped me.
"Don't you ever accuse my friends of lying and let's get one thing straight. You are mine. You are going to be my wife someday and you are going to do what I say. You belong to me!" Embry yelled and threw me to the floor.
"Go to hell!" I yelled and he grabbed me by the hair.
"Watch that mouth of yours." Embry said
"I will never marry you! I can find someone way better who is a real man and would never hurt a woman." I said
"Let's get one thing straight Courtney," Embry said as he grabbed me tightly by the neck. "You are mine and you always will be mine. You are not gonna find a man better than me." Embry said and released my neck and I got up and ran home, away from the reservation.

I then woke up in a sweat trying to catch my breath. It was all too real. That was the first time Embry hit me. All because his friend told him a lie. I never kissed anyone other than Embry. Well Tommy tried kissing me once but I slapped him in front of some of his friends. Maybe that was his revenge.

"Excuse me Mrs.Barba? May I speak to you for a moment?" A doctor said coming in.
"Yes? What is it?" I asked finally calmed down.
"Well we ran some test and I just wanted to let you know that your 8 weeks pregnant." The doctor said causing me to look at him in shock.
No. I can't be. At least not now. I don't think I can handle it. I mean I'm already raising two, two year olds.
"Thank you for telling me." I said unenthusiastic about the situation. I would have been excited if Luca and Lucy were a little older and I wasn't dealing with my ex right now but I just wasn't excited. Also how was I going to tell Rafael. I thought as I laid down and ignored the doctor and tried to sleep some more. Could things get any worse?

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