Chapter 23

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Once we had gotten home I decided to lay down and Rafael said he would watch the twins while I rested. We both agreed to tell the twins about the babies tomorrow. I wasn't sure how they were going to take it. I hope they took it well. I laid down on my bed and tried not to stress about it and closed my eyes to try and sleep.

The next morning I woke up and saw that Rafael's side was empty. I stretched and headed downstairs to see the Rafael and the twins were already up.
"Mommy!" Luca shouted.
"Hello loves." I said and kissed him and his sister each on the forehead and sat at the table as Rafael set a plate in front of me.
"Thank you." I said as he kissed my head and he sat at the table with his coffee.
I had taken a few bites and then looked at Rafael and he nodded.
"Luca, Lucy. Your mommy and I have to tell you something." Rafael started.
"What is it?" Luca asked.
"You know how mommy has two babies in her stomach?" Rafael asked.
"Yeah?" Luca and Lucy said.
"Well we went to the doctors and found out if you were getting baby brothers, baby sisters, or one of each." I said.
"What are they!" Lucy said excitedly.
"What are they mommy!" Luca asked.
"You two are going get two little brothers." I said.
"Yay!" Luca said excitedly.
"Aw I wanted a sister!" Lucy said.
"Sorry dear, maybe the next one." Rafael said.
"What do you mean next one?" I asked sort of jokingly and sort of serious and Rafael just shrugged.
"I'm sure you'll get used to the idea. Besides don't you like being Daddy's only little girl?" I asked her.
"I guess." Lucy shrugged. We then finished up breakfast and Rafael got the kids ready and headed to work and dropped them off at daycare. I stay home and tried to get some rest. I texted Rafael as well to see if Liv could talk tomorrow, just us two and he replied that he would check with her. I then dozed off.

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