Chapter 4

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Barba's POV
I can't believe it. My wife was attacked. But who would attack her? How could she have been attacked? Wasn't she at home. I thought as I drove quickly to Mercy Hospital not caring how many traffic laws I broke.
Once the the hospital was in sight I parked quickly. I ran inside in a hurry and ran up to the front desk.
"Courtney Barba! Where is she!" I said raising my voice.
"I'm sorry sir I can't-"the nurse said but I cut her off.
"Where is my wife's room God damn it!" I yelled
"Whoa, whoa, what going on out here?" Liv said coming out of a room.
"Where's Courtney's room Olivia?" I said calmed down.
"This way." She said and I saw Rollins and Amaro in the room.
"Rafi." Courtney cried when she saw me and I ran over to her hospital bed. I sat by her and grasped her hand.
"Love, what happened?" I asked concerned.
"Barba would you mind explaining what is going on?" Amaro asked.
"Courtney is my wife. I tried to keep her hidden from my job and this is why. I didn't want her to get hurt." I said
"It's my fault. I shouldn't have gone out." Courtney cried.
"This is no one's fault. Can you tell us what happened Courtney?" Olivia asked.
Courtney looked at me in fear but I squeezed her hand reassuringly. I then kissed her forehead

Courtney's POV
"It's okay love, what happened?" Rafael said.
"I-I can't." I say scared.
"Yes you can. If someone is threatening you we can protect you." Rollins said.
"I-I have to go get my kids." I said avoiding the question and tried to get up but Rafael stopped me.
"Where are they?" Rafael asked worried.
"They're with your mother." I said.
"Then they are in good hands. Please talk to the detectives." Rafael pleaded with me.
"Now Courtney can you tell us about your day leading up to the attack?" Olivia asked.
I look at Rafael and he squeezes my hand reassuringly.
"It was just like any other day. Rafael had left for work already and I decided to run a few errands since I had off. I called Rafael's mom Lucia to see if she could watch the kids while I went to run some errands since they didn't have day care today and that was when I was attacked." I said.
"When did you start working and where? You put the kids in day care?" Rafael asked
"I was going to tell you, I just got a part time job and put the kids in day care. I was getting tired of being in the house all day. I'm sorry." I say as I started to cry.
"So you didn't think to discuss this with me!" Rafael yelled.
"Barba. Calm down you can discuss that later. Right now we need to know what happened to your wife." Olivia said.
"You're right. Go on love. It's okay." Rafael said taking a breath and calming down.
"After I dropped Lucy and Luca off at their grandmother's I then went to the store to do some grocery shopping. I then went to the pharmacy because I wasn't feeling well. Just as I was coming out of the pharmacy to head to my car some guy came up and grabbed me from behind and dragged me into an alley way. I tried fighting him off but he slapped me. That's all I remember." I said

Rafael's POV
I let go of her hand. I knew this was hard for her but hearing this is hard enough. The fact that my own wife was raped is more than I can bare. She didn't know that it happened but I just knew.
"Rafael. I'm sorry." Courtney said sadly.
"It's not your fault. It's mine. I should have been there to protect you." I said. I was beating myself up over this.
"Did the guy who attacked you say anything?" Rollins asked.
"He said long time no see. But then he slammed my head on the ground and I blacked out." I said.
"Courtney. Did you know your attacker?" Olivia asked
I turned around so I was facing Courtney once more and tears just filled her eyes.
"Yes." Courtney cried.
"Who was it cariño?" I asked sitting by her once more.
"My ex boyfriend, before I met you." Courtney said scared.
"Courtney, I don't know if the doctors told you, but he didn't just beat you. He raped you." Olivia said.
"What?!" Courtney cried and I quickly wrapped my arms around her and hugged her to try to get her to calm down.
"Shh everything will be fine, we'll get him cariño." I said hugging my wife.
"W-why would he follow me here?" Courtney asked.
"Can you tell us his name Courtney?" Rollins asked
"Embry Blackwolf." Courtney said
"Can you describe him?" Nick said speaking for the first time in a while.
"I think I have a picture in my purse." Courtney reached for her purse and took out a picture. I don't know why she had that still but I wasn't going to get angry about it.
"Here. I don't know why I kept it." Courtney said and handed them a picture . I got up and took a look to see if I recognized the guy.

"Does he look familiar Barba?" Nick asked"No, but see what you can find on him

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"Does he look familiar Barba?" Nick asked
"No, but see what you can find on him." I said dismissing the detectives. I just wanted to be alone with my wife. Just then a nurse came in.
"Is everything okay?" I asked.
"Your wife does have some bruising, but that's it nothing that won't heal anytime soon." The nurse said.
"Thank you." I said and she left. I looked over and saw my wife was asleep. I wish this never happened to her. She didn't deserve it.

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