Chapter 25

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Today was the trial against my ex and I was a nervous wreck. I anxiously sat by my lawyer. I looked back behind me to see Olivia, Finn, and Amanda.
Once the judge sat down it began. Rafael was with the kids while I was here. I honestly was glad. In a way it made me a little calmer. Olivia had called a dear friend of hers Alex Cabot to represent me.
"Mr. Blackwolf, is it true you know Mrs. Barba?" Mr.Buchanan.
"How well would you say you know Mrs. Barba?"
"Very well. We dated for a while but broke up due to her wanting to move."
"Why would she want to move? Was she not happy?"
"Objection! Are we on trial or getting to know Mr. Blackwolf?"
"Sustained. Get to the point Mr. Buchanan."
"Have you ever gotten violent in any way with Mrs. Barba?"
"No. Why would I get violent with the woman I have loved since we were kids?"
"Nothing further."
"Mr. Blackwolf, would you say you're a violent man?"
"I'll rephrase. Have you ever let your anger get the better of you?"
"I'm not proud of it, but I've gotten in a few fight here and there."
"What about your temper towards my client? Have you ever hit her?"
"I may have once or twice. It was a heat of the moment though."
"Really? Because according to evidence 1A your honor we have pictures of bruises as well as video evidence of mister Blackwolfs abuse."
Alex showed the jury some of my bruises.
"She asked for it. She never should have cheated on me."
"Nothing further."
It was then my turn. I got on the stand and Alex questioned me first.
"Mrs. Barba can you tell us how you know Mr. Blackwolf?"
"He's my ex-boyfriend."
"And you're here today why?"
"Because he raped me, kidnapped me and abused me."
"Overruled. Tread lightly Miss Cabot."
Alex then went over to the table and grabbed something.
"Pictures of the abuse, as well as dna from the rape kit."
"Mrs. Barba. One last question, why did you never report your previous abuse."
"I was terrified and just wanted to forget. I wanted to move on and start a new life."
"Thank you."
"You say you were terrified of my client, yet you had no problem dating him. You dropped abuse allegations against him years ago what's to say you won't do the same now?"
"Sustained. Watch it Mr.Buchanan."
"If you were raped, can you describe it? How do you know it was my client that raped you?"
"I know it was him." I said with anger.
"He followed me and raped me. He broke into my home, raped me and kidnapped me! He's a monster and he should burn in hell!"
"Jury will disregard the last comment."
"Your honor I think my client needs a minute." Alex said biting me grunt in pain.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm f-fine." I said and then screamed in pain clenching my stomach.
"Call a bus!" I heard Alex say as I stood up clenching my stomach I then felt my knees give out from pain and blacked out.

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