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Leo's pov - I grabbed the bottle of whiskey and threw it across my office  in rage how in the hell can 10 million go missing.

Alessio - Bro you need to calm down and chill out I have Niko on it, his hacking into every computer , laptop , tablet and phone that every one of our men have.
I have also kept it on the down low no one knows anything.

Leo- good no one can know , if we have a traitor I don't want him to hide his tracks , I want to catch him off guard and when I do whoever is involved will pray for death that will never come.
Before you go ask Niko to come to my office I need to speak to him.
( he didn't respond he just nodded his head and walked out, As soon as he was out not even a minute later
Denise walks in and as always she is barely wearing anything not that I mind she slowly walked her way to my deck and dropped to her knees undoing my belt and taking me in her mouth I let out a groan grabbing her by her hair and pushing her head making her take more of me she was gagging but it still didn't stop me she tried to touch me but I yelled at her telling her to keep her hands behind her back.
I started pushing her down further and faster it didn't take long till I finally came.
The moment I did Niko entered my office.
I pushed her off me and quickly pulling my pants up before I took my seat and Niko sat in front of me.

Leo - Niko hai trovato ancora qualcosa, Angelo ha detto di averla vista, è stato 6 anni fa, per favore dimmi che hai qualcosa, saranno circa 10 anni. Voglio no, merito un'esclamazione.
Non potevo credere che Lexi non mi fidi completamente di lei e la amo come una sorella, ma qualcosa mi ha sempre detto che sta nascondendo qualcosa.
So nel mio cuore che non mi farebbe una cosa del genere.

( did you find something again, Angelo said he saw it, it was 6 years ago, please tell me you have something, it will be about 10 years. I want no, I deserve an exclamation.
I couldn't believe that Lexi doesn't trust her completely and I love her like a sister, but something always told me that she is hiding something.
I know in my heart that she wouldn't do something like that to me.)

( I didn't realise That Denise was still there until she climbed on my lap usually I would've kicked her out but I need more of a release which is what I will do once Niko  is gone )

Niko - No, mi dispiace Don, ma ci sto provando. Appena sono vicino è come se si alzasse un muro e tutto quello che avevo scoperto fosse scomparso, penso che qualcuno all'interno stia cancellando tutto.
Sto configurando un nuovo firewall in modo che nessuno possa oltrepassarlo.
se per te va bene, Don.

( No, I'm sorry Don, but I'm trying. As soon as I'm close it's as if a wall goes up and everything I had discovered has disappeared, I think someone inside is erasing everything.
I'm setting up a new firewall so no one can get past it.
if that's okay with you, Don.)

Leo- You can go know Niko ( I watch him walk out as soon as he left Denise was completely naked in front of me , I pulled my cock out and she sunk down on to my cock I grabbed her hips slamming hard in and out of her )

Denise - Mmmmm ahhhhh yes baby you always make me feel so good ( cutoff )

Lexi pov - I heard moans and Groans and screaming coming from Leo's office "Arggg!!  I hate it when he gets with other girls he is suppose to me mine I guess I have to cut it short and get rid of this bitch  just like I got rid of the rest , I opened the door and slammed it shut making both there heads turn to me !

Leo - Dammit Lexi what did I tell you , do not enter my office without my permission.
( I didn't care if she was there I kept fucking Denise if she wants to watch then she can I don't care and I know Denise doesn't)

Lexi- Your really going to keep fucking this slut while I am standing right here.

Leo - ( I groan in pleasure ) hahahah ... You think I care if your there or not , do you really think I don't know that you being trying to get rid of every woman I get with , just so you know I don't care because I can just get a new one.
No get out or stay and watch...

Leo's pov - I watched her scream and stomp her foot walking out slamming the door behind her , I swear that Aunt of her's has spoiled her to much and I guess to an extent my father and I have too.
I am not stupid I know that her Aunt Carolin has been in my father's ear saying that Lexi would make a perfect wife for me.
To me she is using her niece to get what she couldn't from my father yes they are together but my father refuse to marry her or anyone he told me my mother would be the only woman he will ever marry and ever truly love.
That is how I feel about Aria, I now I sleep around a lot since she left , It was my own way of telling everyone I am over her but I can't be she was everything and she just left.
When Lexi told me she left me for another Man I practically destroyed the entire mansion.
Part of me believes Lexi but as the years pass I feel that she lied.
But I have no proof.
But from knowing Aria, from knowing I was her first ever thing.
That is the one thing I know Lexi lied about but I never corrected her.
She said she didn't want to tell me because she thought Aria had changed but she is still the same whore she always was never satisfied with one man, she said and I quote , she my best friend but your my family.
Lies utter lies because I know she had no idea how to kiss because I took her first kiss just like I know I took her virginity.
I snapped back to reality when I heard her  
Scream as her orgasm hit her.
I pulled my pants up and pushed her off me.

Leo- Get the fuck out NOW!!!  I am done with you. Here I know this is what you want ( I threw a few grand to her.)

Denise - I am not a whore , after everything I do for you why are you treating me like that, don't you love me.

Leo - haha love you are you joking take the money and get out, don't humiliate yourself more then you already have.
Oh and by the way you are a whore that why you came to me? That is why you took my money and that is why it is so easy to fuck you your pussy is essentially revolving door someone is always running out and someone is always in.
( fuck I new I should of got rid of her early )

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