Santina p2

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Santi's pov - We all decided to relax on the big crash mats with a hole bunch of pillows and blankets.

Leonardo - comfy Principessa, is there anything else you want.

Santi - No I'm okay daddy as long as I have you all I already have everything I want and could ever need.

Leonardo - My sweet baby girl ( I kissed her cheek feeling incredibly blessed to have such a sweet and caring daughter, hope to many more )
Tiago Figlio press play.

Aria's pov - I looked at my family cuddled up together laughing I felt an overwhelming sensation that tears left my eyes , they were not of sadness but he is a pure joy? Knowing I have the family I have always dreamed of with the man that has stolen my heart occupied my mind for almost a decade.
We may not have started our family the way I would have liked but I guess we both had a part in that, but that doesn't matter know we have more then made up for lost time and Leo has shown us all nothing but love and that we are the most important people in his life.
Sometimes I will admit that he can overdo it and drive me crazy like when I got sick and he didn't let me leave the room and rarely let me leave the bed without him carrying me everywhere.
Then there is Santi he doesn't want her to go to school anymore after what happen and with look he was giving and the veins popping out of his neck I new there was no changing his mind.

I didn't realise that Leo had been looking at me this whole time and when he saw my tears he of course started to freak out and overreacted.

Leonardo - Amore ( I wiped a tears from my eyes, I swear whoever made her cry will pay)
Why are you crying ? Tell me ?
I swear if it was one of my men or a maid they will pay.

Aria - ( I couldn't help but giggle )
Leo mio amore I am crying happy tears , us right now with the kids this, this is all I ever wanted and more.
( I kissed his cheek and cuddled further into his embrace we looked at the kids who of course didn't notice anything or so I thought because Santi turned around and a frowned formed on her face and she came and sat cuddling up with the two of us.)

Santi - Are you okay mom.
Why are you crying ?

Aria- I am fine baby, these are happy tears
( I kissed her cheek and she went right back to watching )

Santi's pov - It makes me happy that my mom is happy how everything turned out and we're real family now.
Well daddy changed our last name to his but mom's hasn't changed because they are not married yet.
Maybe daddy needs help , I should tell the boys maybe they will help me.
So I whispered into Tiago's ear and told him to pass in on, he rolled his eyes but passed it on anyways.
Argg boys they don't know romantic things, I guess I will be on my own or I should ask Nonno to help me.
I turned my attention back to the movie we are on the last of the kung fu panda movies.
I couldn't help but to laugh, I love Poh his the funniest but when you look at him you will think there is no way he can fight.
I want that for me , looking cute and innocent but a deadly weapon inside heheh no one will see it coming.
So that is two things on my list help daddy and mom get married and maybe finally giving me a little sister or two because it isn't fair that I am the only girl with only brothers, I need someone on my side.
Then tell daddy I want to train, I am a Del Russo and I can be just as ruthless and deadly as every Del Russo man the only difference is that I will be the first girl.
Nonno said that Del Russo man have only ever had sons which is why I am so special and precious because I am the first girl.
But just because I am a girl doesn't mean I shouldn't train because I will join my brothers and daddy one day and I will be feared people will look at me and quiver in fear.
I know he will try to change my mind and be stern using his Don voice and telling me no but I know how to chance his mind that is why daddy has never said no to me.
I don't mean to sound like a spoilt brat but I will not take no for an answer, he will train me he will, he has no choice.
I took a deep breath turning to my daddy as the movie finished and every one was getting up.

Santi - Daddy .... ( I looked at him with my puppy dog eyes he can seem to say no too.)

Leonardo - Si principessa
( I know that look, she wants something, I don't know why she uses it she knows I will never deny her anything)

Santi - Can I talk to you about something important.

Leonardo - ( if this is about school then she is about to learn I can say no to her, I turned to Aria kissed her lips and told her I will see her in our room)
Come baby sit down and talk to me , what's on your mind?

Santi - I want to train..... I want to train and I will not take no for an answer. ( I know it was Brody but folded my arms and looked at him with my most sinister look, I could muster but that only made daddy smile harder and chuckle a little while pinching my cheeks arggg why can't he take me seriously.)
I am serious, daddy don't look at me like that and no pinching my cheeks.
"I AM A DEL RUSSO TOO.........

Leonardo - ( she yelled at me. She really yelled at me as if she wasn't a little girl and if she wasn't my daughter that would be serious consequences. I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down. I know she wants to train. I know she wants to be treated as equally as her brothers.
But I don't spoil and overindulge her brothers like I do with her and they don't complain, why can't she just stay at home and be my perfect little principessa )
Principessa first never raise your voice at me
Second why do you want to train, you don't need to you have me your brother's and your  Zio ( uncles )
We will always ( cutoff )

Santi - I know daddy keep me safe but that can not be the case all the time right after all I did get taken by one of you men and Mike and Mike was suppose to be my brother and protect me too and you trusted him to keep mw safe and then look what happened so that is why I think I should train and then I can go on missions too.
Please daddy I am the first daughter to the Del Russo family so let me show everyone that the blood of the Del Russo bloodline flows strong in my veins too.
I will be just as ruthless , merciless, calculated cold blooded killer that hunt anyone who dares to mess with our family and we will start with Mike and his father.

Leonardo's pov - To say I was dumb fan would be an understatement, I was completely speechless. I stood there like a fish of water just staring at her with my mouth open unable to say anything.
I couldn't believe those words came out of my sweet Innocent baby girls mouth.
I know she is right that it would be good but I just want her to stay my precious sweet little Angel.
I don't want her to be apart of the Del Russo mafia family in that why at least.
But seeing her determination in her eyes, the unwillingness to back down she truly is a Del Russo.
But the question is, should I allow her to train?

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