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Leonardo's pov - I decided I was going to take Santiago with me to my architect company Del Russo Corp.
I know he likes to draw in his free time, he designed his bedroom unknowingly so it was a surprise to him that everything he drew for his Dream Bedroom came to life before his eyes.
He is a lot like me so despite living 10 years without my influences he is still like me.
I didn't forget about my other sons they will go to the warehouse with Alessio to pry information about the rat.
I know you may think it is bad to show them the gruesome and cruel side but these are no ordinary 10 year old boys and besides they want to take part in it.
Okay they are more interested in having fun with the people who put there mom in the state she is in now so like me they want revenge for hurting and trying to Kill Santi and for putting Aria in a life threatening situation.
After I finished getting ready I headed down stairs where everyone was waiting.

Santiago- So why did you ask us to be ready and down here so early and I thought we were supposed to start school today.

Vince - Not that we mind or anything.

Ricky - So if we are not going to school then what are we doing.

Mike - I don't mind what we do anything is better then another boring day at school, I don't know about this new school we are going to but it's got to be better right I mean we had to be up at 5am at least we got to sleep in a bit.
Where is Santi by the way,  Is she coming?

Leonardo - Santi will stay here with Mara she will not be coming with us for one she still needs to heal, so she needs lot's of rest.
Two where we are going and what we are doing, Santi will take no part in ever.
Santiago will come with me to Del Russo Corp
Mike , Vince and Ricky you will go with Zio Alessio I need information taken out.
You boys will start learning the business now, then by the time you are grown men you will be the Del Russo brother's a force no one can take down and a force that ever one will fear.
Once we are down at Del Russo Corp we will join you and have some fun a little vengeful fun with Lexi and Carolin how does that sound boys.

Mike, Vince, Ricky- Sounds good to us.

Santiago - Wait why do they get to go torture someone for information and I have to go to some meeting with you.

Leonardo- Because you will learn both all of you will but you Santiago will be CEO one day and you already have an amazing architecture skills.
That and the rat is working there so once they tell us who that person is then we will have our fun.
Not to much because it is at our legal company, so we will need to take whoever it is back to the warehouse.
So you will not miss out on anything now let move out , I need to get there before they do.
Alessio call me immediately as soon as Ivan gives you a name.
Call a dead and make sure security is doubled at the company I want no mistakes.

Leonardo's pov- I wanted to see Santi before we leave but I know she will cry and I can't stand seeing my only daughter Cry.
It's the same way I felt when Aria would cry and she truly does look like mom.

Santiago - ( we make are way to the SUV out front as we both jump in and his driving takes off, I noticed dad has completely zoned out)
Dad.....dad.... Earth to day ( I wave and snap my fingers in his face and he finally comes back , I wonder what's up with him )
Are you okay you zone out.

Leonardo - I'm okay Figlio, sorry did you want something.

Santiago - I just wanted  to know how long it will take.

Leonardo- We will be there in 1hr Figlio.


( Del Russo Corp )

Santiago's pov - We pulled up to a huge building, It was the same one that we broke into.
Made me laugh a little I mean come on.
He is a Mafia Don and from what Mike told me his men are the most dangerous but yet the boys and I took them out.

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