Diana's torture part 2

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Leonardo's pov - To say I was shocked would be an understatement, I couldn't believe what I was seeing this, It was a mixture between pride and worry.
Pride because just like her brother's she is a natural and worry that if I let her continue with participating in every aspect of our Mafia that it will ruin her innocent little self.
I guess I can't have it both ways so I will allow her to continue, I also guess now I will have a Mafia princess that everyone will fear.
I wonder how her brother's will react to this.

Santi - Daddy how much play time do I have with her?

Leonardo- 2 minutes principessa

Santi - perfect that is more than enough time.
( I notice she was sleeping, oh no, no this will not do, it will be no fun if she is not awake.
I turned to Zio Alex and Carlos )
Zio Alex , Zio Carlos can up please move her to that wheel thing over there, I want to have some target practice with darts Vince was teaching me.

Alex - Of course Principessa ( she is too cute, I can't believe Leonardo agreed to this but I can't blame him to much I don't think anyone can say no that face. )

Santi- thank you ( once Zio Alex and Zio Carlos had her strapped in I also ask them to pour cold water all over her head )
Awe I am glad you're awake again, I think you fell asleep a little and the fun isn't over so we had to wake you up before you miss the show.
I saw this when I went to circus so I thought it will be fun to do.

Diana - W....what.... No....you... ca..n't
Are you...crazy....
( I was in so much pain I could barley move my head it hurt so much but I managed to over at Leonardo who had a smirk on his face why is he smirking when this little demon is slowly killing me.)
Leo.... Please stop.... This Demon child
I ..( I was cut off as I felt sitting penetrating my skin it burned )

Santi - I am a demon ha well let's see what this little demon can do then shall we   ( I threw the dagger at her, aiming for her hand, got her right in the middle of her palm then I moved to her other hand, then both her feet I was going to get ready to throw another one but I was aiming for her chest before I could throw it a hand stop me, pulling it out of my grip)
Why I was..( cutoff )

Leonardo- Principessa you aim for her chest and it will kill her and I don't want her dead just yet and besides your mom hasn't had a turn yet and your time is up. No why don't you go with Zio Alex and he will take you to my office here, I have a shower and you can get cleaned up, I already had some one bring you new clothes to wear.

Santi- But daddy you said I could watch

Leonardo- You can and you will as soon as you get your self clean and get that bitch's blood of you.

Santi - fine but don't do to much without me, promise me daddy ( I gave me my puppy dog eyes and pouty lips)

Leonardo- ( she definitely knows she has me wrapped around her little fingers )
Of course Principessa.
( As soon as Santi left with Alex I turned to Aria who gave me this look )
What's with the look Amore

Aria - You need to stop baby her and spoiling her so much.
You do know she already knows you will never say no to her which is why she snuck in by because she knows she will not get in trouble by you and she knows you will also not say no to her request.

Leonardo- she is my daughter and the only one I have so I can spoil her as much as I want too unless you would like to try and make another girl ( I gave her a smirk and she immediately went bright red, god I love the effect I have on her, I leaned over and kissed her blushing cheeks )
Well even if we have an another girl nothing will change except that I will have two girls to spoil instead of one.

Aria- Of course you would ( I shook my head )
Alright let's get this started shall we.

Aria's pov - I walked up to this bitch that dared to lay her hands on my child, I am not a violent person but when it comes to my babies I will go mama bear which is what she is going to get.
I looked over at the huge table with all kinds of tools and weapons until I found a set of daggers which had vendetta craved on them which means vengeance in Italian, how perfect, I picked them up walking up to her she is now back strapped to the chair tears rolling down her bloody face.
I smiled sweetly at her before I plugged one of the daggers in her left thigh... her ear piercing scream although annoying as hell was also like music to my hears.

Diana- AHHHH!!!!! FUCK..... YOU .... CRAZY FUCKING.....BITCH !!!!!!
( I swear I will get back at her and that little brat of her's ... )
Take....it...out ......( crying )
Please.....stop....let ...me .....gooo.....

Aria- But I haven't finished yet....( I used the other dagger and plugged it into her right thigh, I walked back over to the table where I saw a small blade .
I ripped her blouse and carved exactly what she was a whore , I know she did this because she wants Leo but he is mine and as his queen I will make sure for this day onwards all this fucking whore's know and if they continue they will all suffer just like she is and will continue to.
Once I was done I took a step back to admire my and my daughters art work it was definitely a sight to see, I never thought I would enjoy this sort of life it use to scare me but now I am living it I have to admit I do enjoy it very much.
I felt arms around my waist and soft kissing on my neck, I couldn't help but let out a little moan.
He turned me around smashing his lips on mine in a passionate kiss that was starting to get a little heated that was until a little voice breaks us apart.

Santi - ( As much as I am happy they are final back this is just to much for my eyes )
Ewww ..... really right here.. yuk!!
And you know I am here save it for when your alone.
Daddy can I have one more turn with her , I just want to do one thing.

Leonardo- Umm okay sure baby go ahead but just one thing we have to get back we haven't had lunch and it's nearly 2pm.

Santi - it won't take long at all ( I pulled out this branding wand that Ricky made me it's metal and it's my name , I attached the small stick to it and asked Zio Carlos to light it.
Once it was heated up enough I walked up to her squirming in her chair I pushed it to her forehead.)
Now my name is permanently on you so you know the reason you are here.
( she just kept screaming and cussing me out I turned to my daddy and mom.)
Okay I am done we can go now.

Leonardo's pov - Looks like I can definitely say that the Del Russo empire will definitely be in good hands, The Del Russo blood definitely runs deep in there blood and veins.
She has a deadly combination a walking Angel of pure innocence with the blood lust for vengeance.
That's my little principessa.

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