Del Russo Family

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Leonardo's pov - I am currently going over some paperwork, trying to get as much work
Done as much as I can before the family wakes up.
We are going to head to the warehouse today as a family my dad Aria and the kids Alessio and Carlos.
Alex is already there preparing our main guest of honour in our little horror house.
As I was finishing up the last of my paperwork the doors open and in walks in my little ray of shine my principessa.

Santi - ( I woke up extra early knowing very well everyone will be asleep except for daddy and Nonno, mom would usually be awake but the medicine she takes makes her sleepy so she sleeps a lot longer then she usually does.
I opened the door's to my daddy's office )
Daddy..... Daddy Buongiorno ( good morning)

Leonardo- ( I know my little principessa wants something with the way she is looking at me.)
Buongiorno principessa how are this morning and why are you up so early?

Santi - Ummm.... Well you know how we are all going to the warehouse well since the boys got to go and torture Lexi and her Aunt already I want to have my turn with them first.
She hurt mom and made me sick so I think I should make her sick at least in smaller doses.
Please..... daddy!!!!!

Leonardo- Of course Principessa how could I ever deny you such a request.
Now how about you go and wake everyone up so we can eat breakfast together before we leave.
I am sure your Nonno is already awake so after you wake the others up make sure Nonno comes to breakfast.

Santi - Okay Daddy see you at breakfast.

Santi's pov - I ran out the office so happy and of course I couldn't help but giggle because daddy started yelling about me running , I still don't get it the boys run around all the time so what's the difference, I chose to ignore him and deal with it later which I know I will, well not really goes
daddy can never stay mad at me one look at my face and he breaks haha.
I knocked on Mike's room first.

( knock knock )

Santi- ( After I knocked on his door , I just opened it )
"MIKE!!!!!! GET UP!!!!

Mike- Arggg!!!! Santi get out and let me sleep and I don't believe I said you can come into my room.

Santi - So what Daddy told me to get you all up remember we are going to the warehouse today so he wants everyone dressed and ready for breakfast so we can leave.
I could always just get daddy and tell him( cutoff )

Mike - Alright ....Alright.... I'm up , Don't need to be such a little snitch.

Santi- hehe Don't take too long.....
( I got out of his room quickly before the pillow he threw at me hit me)

Mike - You better run and next time don't just barged into my room. ( I love her but man she can be annoying)

Santi - ( Once I left Mike's room I went to Vince's room next , this time I didn't bother knocking I just opened it )
"VINCE!!!!!! GET UP!!!

Vince - Dammit Santi why are you in my room screaming so early in the morning.
"Get out!!!

Santi - No can do bro , daddy said to get everyone one up remember we are going to the warehouse so he once every one down and ready for breakfast so we can leave early.

Vince - Right almost forgot about that...
Alright... Alright... I'm up ... just get out.

Santi - bye don't be to long you know how dad get's when we are running late, well unless your me which your not, see you down stairs.
( I left his room to go to Ricky's room like I did with Vince I just opened the door. )
"Ricky!!!!! GET UP!!!

Ricky- Santi what is wrong with you. It's way too early and I am way too tired.

Santi - Well too bad so sad because daddy want's everyone dressed and ready downstairs, you do remember what we are doing today right?

Ricky- Ummm ( I had to think for a moment before it hit me , we are all going to the warehouse to have a little family fun, this made me jump out of bed.)
Right how could I forget , Alright Santi I'm up now get out so I can ready.

Santi- Okay see you downstairs.
( I walked out of Ricky's room and going to the room straight across which of course is Santiago's and yes of course I didn't knock )
"GET UP!!!! TIAGO!!!!
( I got closer to the bed to pull the covers but he wasn't there , that's when I heard the door open from behind me and it was Tiago all ready dressed )
Oh good your up daddy sent me up to make sure every one was ready.

Santiago - yes I am so get out and go meet everyone down stairs dad already told me everyone is up already and down stairs.

Santi - Alright see you downstairs.

Leonardo's pov - After I put all my paperwork's away I made my upstairs to fine il mio Amore in the middle of getting dress she was just in a pear of a red Lacey set my jaw literally dropped and solider was standing in full attendance I slowly made my way to her wrapping my arms around her waist laying soft kissing along her collarbone sucking on her next to leave my mark on her.

Aria- mmmm L..eo.... We have to go....( as much as I was enjoying it we have to go. )
Leo... mmmm stop we have to go the kids are waiting and so is your dad behave yourself.
( I kissed his jawline  and was going to pull away but he pulled me in smashing his lips on mine , I felt in tongue invading my mouth and I couldn't help but moan.)

Leonardo - No we can go but don't think this is over amore because tonight you are mine all mine and I plan to keep you up all night.
( I watch her face go completely red I couldn't help but chuckle at that I took her hand in mine and lead her downstairs.
Everyone one was there at the dinning table waiting for us )
buongiorno a tutti ( good morning everyone)

Santiago- So dad After we are done having fun with the scum can we have some target practice you did say you had your own shooting range there.

Tony - Normal that would be no problem but we have the annual Mafia Ball where are you? Santiago will be introduced as the heir to the Del Russo family.
So you boys must be fitted for your tux and the ladies of course will have custom made gowns and judging by the look of your faces I am guessing someone forgot to tell you
( I looked to my son who was just scratching the back of his head, yeah he forgot , I swear this boy he know how important this is to keep our alliances and also so our enemies know that our bloodline stand strong )
I didn't forget it more like slipped my mind with everything going on but it is no big deal everything will be done on time.

Aria - ( I glared at Leo ) dad so how long till this ball.

Tony - In one week

Aria - A week really Leonardo we haven't even looked for a dress.

Leonardo- I said I would take care of it and beside everything we wear will be custom made and believe me they will have it the day before ball because they know what will happen if they don't.
( I wrapped my arms around her shoulders bringing her closer to me, kissing her cheek )
Don't worry amore you and my Principessa will be the stand out's of the ball you have my word now if everyone is finished so we can go and maybe after we are done we will go out to eat.

Leonardo's pov - We all headed to the awaiting SUV's.
I couldn't help but chuckle to myself this would be the first family activity we did outside as a family it may not be what typical families do but hey we are not your ordinary family we are the Del Russo Family and torturing people is considered a family activity especially when the person we are torturing attacked our family.

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