First day of new school

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Santiago's pov - So me and my now official brother's are going to be starting a new school we have been there for a private tour it is definitely a rich preppy school something me and the my boys aren't you use to.
I guess given who dad is of course we would be at this time of school let's just hope they aren't all stuck up dicks but hey if they are we will put them in their place.
Santi isn't starting yet, dad scared given what she is being through her immune system isn't strong enough, she is enrolled here but she will do all her school work from home until her immune system is is strong enough.
It is a good thing because we can let them all know our sister is not to be messed with and me and my brothers are the new Kings of this school, it may sound cocky and arrogant but yeh this school goes all they way to year 12 it's best they know now.

Mike- Bro let's go  Nonna Mara called us down for breakfast 30 minutes ago gotta fuel up before we enter the up tight prison haha

Vince - hah good one but seriously hurry up I'm starving.

Ricky - your always hungry what else is new.

Santiago - yeah ...yeah I'm coming chill.

Santiago's pov - We all make it down stairs and into the dinning room, dad  and Zio Alessio is there too I thought they would have left early.

Leonardo- morning boys you all ready for school, I hope you all don't cause to much trouble.
Remember you only take action if action is taken on you first.

Vince - "Best behaviour "

Ricky - Yeah we all put our halo's on

Mike - Halo hahah .... I um mean yeah what he said.
Anyways we should get going don't want to be late on our first day.

Leonardo- mmm if you boys say so....
Anyways I will be taking you on the first day.
So grab your bags and let's go..

Santiago's pov- once dad dropped us off and we walked through the doors all eyes were on us.
We could hear there not so soft whispers about who are dad is didn't bother us well one thing bothered me when they said my brother's weren't my real brothers they called them my pity adoptive brother's.
I looked to my brother's  who heard it as well, we both shared a silent look saying will handled them later.
We all headed to class dad made sure we were all together.
We took our seat at the back of the class room well they were occupied at first, but when they looked at us knowing exactly who our Dad was they quickly moved?

Miss Taylor - Good morning class  we have four new students that joined our school.
Boys will you please stayed up and introduce yourself to the class.
Or maybe just say your names.

Santiago - ( I looked at my brother's they all rolled there eyes with me )
Santiago Del Russo

Mike - Micheal Del Russo but everyone just calls me Mike and I prefer it.

Ricky - Riccardo Del Russo, just call me Ricky.

Vince - Vincent Del Russo , call me Vince

Miss Taylor - Okay would you like to tell us about your self's , what school you use to go to.
Just a little something to get to know you better.

Santiago - Nah we're good , if we want you to know something we would have told you a long with our  names but we didn't.
So how about you do what you get paid to do and teach.
( I folded my arms and just stared at her I could see the fear in her eyes,  I love it , sick I know especially given my age but hey even before my dad came in our life's , it was never normal. )

Miss Taylor's pov - I was a little shocked about how he spoke to me but I brushed it off, I know who he is or should I say who his father is and let me tell you his dad is hot, Rich and oh so powerful. So if I have to play nice and brush off every bratty disrespectful thing he  says 
Well only for Santiago that is his real son after all.
Hopefully I get to meet him in person soon then we can get to know each other and he will fall for me and then I never have to deal with little brats anymore.

Miss Taylor - Okay Then maybe another time, I know you have all gotten all your work at home so I won't have to  excuse you from this weeks spelling test.
My eyes will be on everyone, who ever gets caught cheating will earn them self a weeks worth of detention.
Take a sheet each and pass it on.
Alright class let's get started.

( time skip / Lunch time )

Santiago's pov -  Finally it's lunch time I am staving and the work we are given is way more easier then the military  school  I thought these preppy school's do a lot harder work, I was doing this 2 years ago.
The boys and I walk into the cafeteria and everything goes completely silent.
We go grab our food and make our way to a table and sit down.
Once we were done eating we were just talking, laughing and joking around  with each other like always  that was until some tool comes up to us.

Brad- Look what we have here guys, the so called son of the Great Leonardo Del Russo and of Course the  reject adoptive sons.
Your father maybe the Mafia but I guess his empire is going to fall because look how weak you look.
I could take you on any time and any day even with one arm tied behind my back.

Joel- Brad this is not a good idea, one they are a lot younger then us and two you will sign your own death messing with Don Del Russo sons.
If you want this your on your own because we want nothing to do with this and I say this out loud so everyone knows I nor do the rest of the guys want any part of this.
Just because his dad didn't want to do business with your dad it's not reason to mess with his kid

Brad - Man shut up Joel, I just want to see how tuff he really is, he did come out of nowhere no one knew he had a kid.
They say they start training young so I just want to see how good he is or even if he can fight at all.
But if your pussy and to scared then leave I don't need any of use here, I can handle all of this on my own.

Santiago's pov  - This guy has so many screws loose, I look over to my brother's and they all smirk, I stand up and face him he maybe older and taller but that makes no difference to me.

Brad - So the little baby prince has some guts huh?
Let's see what you got.
( I swung my fist towards him but the little shits ducks and as I swung I again I feel the air leave me as his foot made contact with my ribs, I grabbed my midsection and his fist came to my face and I hit the ground he stood above me repeatedly, kicking me. )
Ahhhh!!!!!  Stop..... I ....can't breathe..... please.....
( blackout)

Santiago's pov - I was pulled away from him by Mike and when I looked down, I watched his eyes roll to  the back of this head then completely closed that's when I sat back down on my seat and used some wipes  to wipe my hands and the blood of my shoes, the whole cafeteria was dead silent, but when I looked at them they went back to minding the own business.

Vince- You know they will call dad, do you think he will be mad.

Ricky - Nah he won't be will be proud he said never let anyone talk down to you, you are a Del Russo they should all know their place when they stand before you.

Mike - Yeah I am with Ricky on this one.

Santiago - I know he won't mind, mom on the other hand well that is a different story maybe dad won't tell her.
( we continue to talk with that idiot still passed out by our table teacher on duty did absolutely nothing I guess fear of doing something might piss off our dad.
While we all laughing at the fact that this tool Brad was still passed out the head Master walks in and he run straight to Brad. )

Head Master Wilson - "What did you do to my son, I will contact your father and you will hear from my lawyer.
But what would I except from a son of a criminal.

Santiago - Well maybe Sir , you should of taught your son the golden rule, Don't cash checks you ass can't handle, I would never have laid a hand on him if he didn't come at me first.
From my side and from what someone said I won't name any names but I guess you have been a little bitter because my dad won't invest in your business or partner up with you.
I can see why he wouldn't, just look at how you raised your son haha keep talking my brother is sending a live feed to our dad the moment you started speaking lol hahah.....

Head Master Wilson - You have no right to film me , I want all of use in my office right now and I will take that phone.

Santiago - I think not.  we have our guards outside waiting for us, I think we will wait for our dad.
I am sure he will love to " have a talk with you "
( I watched his face go completely pale, I could see the fear in his eyes , it's such a joy to see. )

( part 2 coming soon )

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