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Lexi pov - Argggg , I couldn't stop screaming, I started to throw everything I got my hands on.
After I was satisfied I called the maids to clean up the mess.
Just as I sat on my bed my phone beeped it was a Message from Aria.
You might be thinking why am I still talking for her if I was the one that made her leave.
Well If I stay close I can keep her from contacting Leo, I know that she would have him wrapped up in her arms again and I can't have that.
He needs an heir , I know he already has an heir but no one but me and Aria know that.
So I keep her close and pretend to be her friend but she has been telling me she will tell Leo on the twins 10th birthday, she said she will take them to him.
I can't let that happen so I gave her something to make her sick and it worked but she has gotten better since so I have to make sure it keeps her away even if it kills her, she left me as guardian so I can take them to an orphanage.
Leo will never know but how.

( knock....knock..)

Carolin - What happened here? Why did you trash your room.

Lexi - it's Leo and Aria....
I went to see if Leo will go out to dinner with me but he was having sex with someone and what is worse he kept fucking her with me standing there he didn't care.
Then Aria I thought I put it in her head never to tell Leo but no she isn't listen she said she will tell him on the twins birthday.
I can't let him know that the kids I will have with him should be the heir not her's
I got her really sick , I thought she would forget but she didn't I don't know what else to do.

Carolin - Well him sleeping with someone doesn't matter let him as long as your married to him nothing else will matter.
Now as far as Aria I told you to kill her before she gave birth but you didn't want that you was adamant that she would stay away that she was too scared, now you are telling me she is coming back.
She will tell him about her little bastards .
He is a Mafia man he will never believe those little bastards are his so he will ask for a DNA test but we will pay the doctors to fix the results.
Or you give her this put some in her food don't ask what it is just now it will effect her hole body soon everything will shut down she'll die.
Give some to the little bastard just to make sure too.

Lexi - Prefect.... She wanted me to come over so it is perfect I will give it to her and Santina

Carolin - What about that boy you have to give it to him too.

Lexi - He goes to a military school he only come home on weekends.

Carolin - Fine but make sure your back on Saturday to. That boy is the heir , it is more important to take him out because when you have a son he will not be the heir.
Worse comes to worse like I said you make sure text results show he is not the father.

Lexi - Other way will work , believe me Aunt if he or his dad see that boy they will know that it is his son he looks exactly like Leo there will be no denying it as much as I hate to admit it.

Carolin - Whatever you say Dear just go to her now and get it done, I won't let that little whore get in the way.
His father Tony denied me Marriage but he still gave us a good life treated you like a daughter and I know he is growing impatient and wants him to settle down so don't worry I will convince him to make Leo Marry you.

Lexi- Thank you .... Thank you...... Aunt
( I gave my Aunt a Hug and kiss goodbye and left to Aria's house , it took 3 hours to get to her house but I didn't care I have to make sure it's done right this time )

Aria- Hey Lexi, I wasn't expecting you I thought you would come on Saturday but come on in anyways I've missed you...

Lexi - Missed you too bestie look what I made your favourite triple Choc, fudge. Cake , I know how much you and Santi love it.
You know I couldn't come and visit without bringing something.

Santina - Mmmm I smell Chocolate.
( I looked to see Aunt Lexi with mom and from what I can see it is a triple Choc, fudge cake )
Please say I can eat it now please mom even just a little bit.

Aria- Just a bit honey okay don't eat to much you will get sick I will go put some on a plate for all of us maybe with some tea.

Santina - Pink tea please!!....

Lexi - You sit relax , I know how hard you work let me fix you too a plate maybe with some cream.
( I took the cake into the kitchen and brought the powder that my aunt gave me and put some one the cake and then put cream adding more , I have no clue what this is but hopefully it is more then enough.)
Here you go , I hope you both love it , I would love to stay but I have to go.
I promise to come back on Saturday I will bring another cake I know that Santiago will be back and I feel bad so I will bring another one.

Aria - You don't have to do that , I can make him some thing
But I won't keep you I know you are very busy, thank you for always looking out for us , you are my only true friend.
Say goodbye to Aunt Lexi and go wash up , I don't care if you have eaten some you should have washed up before eating you know this.

Santina- sorry mom going now and bye Aunt Lexi

Lexi's pov - I would have loved to stay and see the out come but then it would look suspicious because I sure as hell am not going to call the ambulance.
I need them away it's nothing bad they will just get sick my Aunt isn't a monster.


Santiago pov- I was in my dorm and decided I would Check the footage from home like I said our so called Aunt Lexi said she made mom sick , I can not trust that she will try again specially, since she said it to her aunt.
I was going to ask mom if I can go to w normal school but I know how hard she works to pay for my tuition I did get half a scholarship but not a full one.
So I know how hard she works to send me here.
I was looking through everything then I saw it she had a cake and she put some power stuff all over it.
She had a big smile on her face and once again telling her Aunt it's done she left shortly after that I quickly called Santina phone as I saw she only eat a bit before mom sent her to wash up.

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