Telling Aria

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Leonardo's pov - As soon as we got home I took her into the library I made her , her own secret hideout there and only her and I know the secret code it's our special place, I also didn't want to freak Aria out, I will tell her but only after I comfort my principessa and reassure  her that what Diana said was all lies.

Leonardo- Principessa il mio Amore look at me ( I held her little face in my hands making her look at me, seeing those teary eyes look up at me was shattering my heart, A heart I never new I had )
Baby girl do you want to tell me what that crazy lady said to you , daddy promise whatever she said is a lie I know that she hit you and she will pay for that but I can see that is not the only thing so tell me did she say anything to you.
I promise I will make it better and make her pay.

Santi - ( taking a deep breath trying to subside my crying )
She said she was your girlfriend and that you didn't make it public to protect her but you ended it and now she knows why, she said that mom was a conniving whore who made you believe that we are your kids.
That she will stop at nothing to make sure that you and everyone knows the truth and she will send mom to jail and me and my brother's to the the orphanage. ( crying , I couldn't hold it in anymore, I know that my mom doesn't lie and so far neither has my daddy but why would this woman say that. )

Leonardo- ( That fucking bitch , I can't wait to get my hands on her I should of fired her after she kept telling the whole office we were in a relationship, but I was keeping it a secret to protect her, protect my ass I would sit back and watch her burn a live she was nothing but an easy lay )
I am so sorry principessa but so you know everything she said is a lie, we were never in a relationship. She was my date a few times to certain events for work but that is it. ( she doesn't need to know about the sex that stuff isn't for my sweet girls ears )
You mom is the only woman I have ever loved and ever will love.
Your mom, you and your brothers are my heart from the moment I knew of you my heart only began beating for all of use.
( I wipe the tears from her face and kissed her forehead pulling a closer to my chest and stroking her back )
I'm sorry I let this happen I should have never left you.
Please tell me your okay , that you believe me it would ( cutoff )

Santi - I believe you daddy, it's not your fault you didn't know she would do what she did.
You're the best daddy ever !!! ( I so my arms around his neck, giving him the biggest squeeze I could )

Leonardo- Thank you baby girl now how about  we ice that cheek and then you can stay here or you can go watch movies in the theatre room, I need to talk to your mom and tell her what happen before she see your face then daddy will really be trouble.
Come on let's go.

Santi - Umm I want to watch in the theatre room.
Don't worry about mom she won't be mad at you only that mean ugly lady.

Leonardo- haha okay my sweet girl whatever your heart desires.

Leonardo's pov - Once I got Santi comfortable in the room with the ice pack on her face and her favourite movie I made my way back to our room where I know Aria would be.
I know she is going to pissed hopefully not completely at me, I already feel like a terrible father because it happened under my watch, she was with me and even after Diana's comment I let her leave my side I should have kept her with me.

Leonardo- Ciao Mio Amore ( I kissed her cheek then her lips moving down to her neck followed by the tops of her breast. She let out a moan that instantly had my dick hard, fuck I want her so bad, I want to be inside , no I need to be inside her. )

Aria - Mmmm Leo.... ( I pushed him back a little so he was looking at me, some thing is off I can feel it.)
Why are you back so early not that I mind but I can see that it some thing.
Is Santi okay.... Did something happ( cutoff )

Leonardo - Umm okay look Amore the only thing you need to know first is that Santi is perfectly fine, she may have a bruised cheek but she will be fine and as for the bitch that did it to her she will be dealt with believe me, because when you hit my principessa I will make sure you never die, I will make sure she is alive for years as I slowly torture her, taking away, even more of her sanity, but still I won't end her life.

Aria- ( As soon as I heard that some bitch hit my baby I jumped up )
What !!!  Why ? Where is Santi, how do you know she is okay..?
Did the Doctor see her?
Where is she at now? Leonardo?
Take me to her, I have to see my baby , I have to make sure she is okay?...

Leonardo- Amore calm down she is okay believe me, I stopped it in time and of course I will take you to her she is in the theatre room.
But first I will tell you what happened.
Okay so she works for the interior design part of my company and before you came back into my life she was one of a few that I use to take to work events and yes I won't lie to you I have slept with her but it was nothing but sex and the moment I new about you and our kids I cut of that part of our relationship because you have always been the only woman I've ever loved.
I have essentially been coasting through life since she left been angry and miserable, would burst into fits of anger and rage At the  smallest things and you  and the kids brought back that love and joy back into my life the love and joy I had when you were with me all those years ago and I wouldn't do anything to loose that.
Please tell me you believe me amore. ( I held her in my arms tightly, making her look up at me I saw the tears swell up in her eyes, that is something I never want to see, I only want to see her laugh and smile. )

Aria- ( As mad as I want to be at him I know he couldn't completely see this coming and he did stop it and kicked her out of his company and I am sure he has plans for her since he got his guards to take her, I don't care what he does as long as I get a piece of her, she hit my baby so I am going to hit her 100 times harder)
I believe you, I know you would never intentionally put her in harms way but there is only one thing I want?

Leonardo- what is that Amore you name it and it is yours ?

Aria- I want to be the first one to torture that bitch.
I know I haven't done it before but Santi is my baby and she hurt her and as her mother it is my right to make the bitch that laid hands on her suffer.
Do not deny me, or I will deny you and you know what I mean?

Leonardo - ( dammit. Now I can't deny her not that I would have)
As you wish my queen now that is settled how about we go join our little principessa in the theatre then after whatever movie she has picked we go have lunch together.

Aria - Sounds good, and you are sure she is okay and that bitch didn't break anything right.
( I looked at him with worry, still etched in my face)

Leonardo- I promise you she is okay, was just a little shocked that's all and maybe a bruise.
Now dry those tears because if Santi see this you know it will upset her more.
( I wiped her tears away leaving soft kisses on both her eyelids, picking her up bridal style in my arms, and making our way  out of the room to go to our precious little Santi.
I would go handle that bitch, Diana but right now I just want some time with my two special girls.
So for now that bitch has the rest of the day and night to enjoy a little bit of peace she will get. I instructed. None of my guards to lay a hand on her especially after what Aria said.
If my queen wants first crack at her then that is what my queen will get. ) 

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