Saving Aria

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Leonardo's pov - We were all in the hospital wing waiting for Dr Oswell to prepare to operate for Aria's transplant.
People may think I am sick for taking organs from a healthy human being which will be the cause of her death but let's face it she deserves everything coming her way and my kids and I will get apart of our hearts back, We get Aria at least I pray that everything will go smoothly or there will be more deaths which will be Dr Oswell and his nurses.

Dr Oswell - Don Del Russo you and the children may see her before she will go under.

Leonardo's pov - Before I could answer Santi comes running in.
I sent a quick text to Alessio to make sure Tiffany isn't here while Santi see her mom.
I don't want my Principessa to see that bitch screaming and kicking up a storm because ai told Dr Oswell is isn't to give her anything, I want her awake through the whole thing the last organ he will take will be her heart, the only thing I want is for him to try and keep her alive through the whole thing so she can watch her life slowly be taken away.

Santi- Daddy .....Daddy..... do we get to see mom know ....

Leonardo- Yes Principessa we are but remember your mom is still sleeping but Dr Oswell has everything he needs to fix her up so she will feel better and wake up but we can see her before he does that okay.

Santi - Okay Daddy hurry up let's go.
Oh where did you go with Santiago, Mike , Vince and Ricky even Zio Alessio wasn't around.
I looked everywhere but couldn't find you.
I know you said I had to stay in my room and rest but I was bored so I looked for you all.

Santiago- ( Before dad could answer I stepped in )
He was training us a little and showed us where he and Zio Alessio and all his men train.
Sorry we took so long it just run a little longer.

Santi - Okay ( I look to our dad and Nonno )
Daddy , Nonno I want to train to can I come next time.
I want to learn to fight too, it isn't fair the boys already know how to fight but I don't.

Leonardo- ( I absolutely don't want to fighting she is our principessa she has me her Nonno and brother's  not to mention our entire mafia that will fight to the death to protect her ) Principessa we will discuss this later, I am sure you want to see and spend a little time with you mom right.
( I side and relief when she noted her hair and headed to the door)

Santi's pov - I walked in and saw mom laying there not moving which makes me so sad, I miss spending time with her we used to make our own facials and put it on each other as well as painting each other's nails watching movies and just talking about everything since Santiago was always at school, I never really understood why she sent him there well that was until I found out about our dad then I understood why she did it.
But what I Don't get is why she didn't let me have any training or send me to the Girl's Cadet school, don't I have to know as well ?
What is the difference between my brother and I.
I grab hold of mom's hand and began to cry scared that she will never wake up.
I wanted to talk to her but the only thing that came out of my mouth was loud sobs.
That is when I feel myself get lifted off the ground is daddy he holds my head to the crook of his neck rubbing circles around my back swaying me like I was little baby then he takes me out of the room.

Leonardo - Hey ...Hey it's okay Principessa don't cry, it breaks my heart seeing those tears come out of your pretty eyes.
I told you she will be okay, your mom is strong so you need to be strong for her right now the Dr will operate on her he is going to give her a new everything so she can get better.
Once she is better I will send my two favourite girls on spa day and shopping spree how does that sound.
( she nods her head and her cries slow down, I see her brother's come out of the room )
You boys take your sister to the theatre room and put whatever movie she wants to watch and I mean whatever she wants to watch no complaining or putting any movies she doesn't want to watch is it understood?

Santiago- Yeah dad we got it come on Santi let's go. ( Santi gave dad a tight squeeze and held on to him I honestly thought she wasn't gonna let him go. But eventually she did, and she gave Nonno a hug and asked if he will join them, I new dad and Nonno we're going to make sure that Tiffany was strapped to the bed ready for her possible transplant well when she loses everything that is but for that to happen I had to get Santi away. )
Come on Santi let's go now I will put a horror movie on instead and make you watch it.
( I watch her quickly running past us, but not before she pushed me not that it did anything to me nor bother me as long as she left she could do whatever she wanted )

Tony - Let's go Figlio
( we both walk into the room and see Alessio and Carlos strapping her arms and legs down )

Tiffany- ( crying ) "Let me go...... Ahhhh stop you can't do this do me..., I ....I told you everything, let me go...

Leonardo - Dr Oswell sow her mouth shut

Dr Oswell - But Sir...( cutoff )

Leonardo - Do not question me ever just do what I told you to do.
My father and I will be here watching you so don't fuck anything up because you know what your future will be if she doesn't pull through this .
So I suggest you just sow this bitches mouth up and get started on the transplant.
( I could feel my blood boiling over the absolute rage building deep within me more and more. I just wanted to rip his head off, but of course I need him for the transplant , he is just lucky he is useful to me.
But if he gets his place, one more time, I will put a bullet between his eyes.)

Tony - Calm down figlio he knows what he has to do.
I don't think he'll risk his own life to save this piece of trash strap to the bed isn't that right Dr.

Dr Oswell - Y..yes sir of course, I will get started.
( I felt slightly sick sowing her mouth shut you think I would be use to this but I am not , I don't know what this young woman did to be on the bad side of the Del Russo but it must be huge because they never ask me to perform a transplant, taking it from a live person which will lead to there death.)

Leonardo's pov - I watched on was satisfaction, seen Tiffany Square, tears, and sweat falling from her face, her muffle screams, now this is the best form of torture me slowly, taking her life away from her, handing it over to mia regina ( my queen )
I can see tiffany's movement, become slower, her eyes slowly closing shut I see the monitor on her and watch with absolute pleasure, her life slowly leaving.
She finds my eyes and I can see her silent pleas I only chuckle at her feeble attempt to get me to show her some mercy.
I have no forgiveness for traitorous rats.
I look back over to Aria and but heart began to rapidly beat this is the moment Dr Oswell putting in the new heart well new for Aria I anxiously watch the monitors to show me that it worked that my Aria will be okay, that I won't be a lair to my children that she will be back she has to, she can't leave me again I won't allow it.
Then there it is the most beautiful sound on earth her heart it may have come from a traitorous rat but once it was put it to Aria to became as pure as her.
I couldn't stop the tears from flowing, she okay... she okay.
I felt an arm around my shoulder it was my dad.

Tony- It worked figlio , Aria is going to be okay you can rest easy now.

Leonardo - ( I wiped the tears from my eyes and stood up straight)
Carlos take the trash to the incinerator I don't want a single trace of her.
Make sure her place has being completely cleaned out.

Carlos- Si capo

Tony- Come on Figlio you to Alessio let's go see the kids in the theatre room, I believe we have something to celebrate.

Dr Oswell - ( I didn't want to interrupt. I'll spoil the happy moment, but I have to tell them the truth. )
Um Don Del Russo it will take time to truly know if it worked sometimes, the body can reject it later on down the line, we will know in two weeks to a month.
When all the stitches of healed she should start light exercises and slowly increase it.
But yes so far it looks like it worked.
I can see when I look at the monitors that she will wake up soon.
I just don't want to get your hopes up if the worse will happen later.

Leonardo- The worse will not happen because if it does then the worse will happen to you.
( I walked up to Aria kissing her lips gently then her forehead before storming out, how dare that asshole tell me that , Aria is fine in fact I will tell the kids that it went well and there mom will wake up.
I also need that right now, they are literally the only thing that can calm me down especially my Principessa. )

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