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Santiago's pov - I woke up early this morning well to be fair I didn't really sleep I kept tossing and turning, it's like my brain couldn't turn off.
I was really worried about my mom, I know dad said that everything went well and she will wake up soon, she just needs to rest and recover after the surgery, I want to believe him but apart of me still fears that she won't, I mean how does he know she will he is not a doctor and the doctor didn't tell us he did.
So that is why I came here so early it's the gym my dad has, he said most of his men train here it's got everything.
I needed to take away a lot of pent up anger that I have kept inside since mom got sick, I should of done something a lot sooner maybe I could have stopped her, if I wasn't at that school and at home all the time I could have protected her like I was suppose too.
I kept punching the bag over and over again with every thought, with everything I could and should have done.
I was so caught up in punching and kicking the bag that I blocked out any other noise the only thing I could hear was my rapid breathing and the sound the bag made every time I hit it, but nothing I did took away the pain I felt inside the guilt eating away at me.

Tony's pov - I was heading into the gym to get an early workout I maybe 55 but that doesn't slow me down because even though I am no longer the active Don running every thing doesn't mean I need to stop doing everything I did before.
As I got to the gym I noticed Santiago there and he was letting loose on the punching bag I could tell he was so lost in deep thought that he didn't notice I entered.
Let me tell you for 10 years old well basically 10 and let me tell you he is a natural , I could also tell he was trying to relieve some anger Leonardo use to do the same thing.
I walked up slowly to him and grabbed the bag not saying anything I just tell him to his thing he will stop when his ready and maybe he will talk to me if he wants and also if his ready.

Tony- Respiro del nipote, fai un respiro profondo attraverso il naso e poi soffialo lentamente attraverso il naso. se continui a respirare così pesantemente ti sforzerai troppo. respiri lenti, profondi e calmanti, durerai molto più a lungo senza stancarti.
( Grandchild's breath, take a deep breath through your nose and then blow it slowly through your nose. if you continue to breathe so heavily you will overexert yourself. slow, deep and calming breaths, you will last much longer without getting tired. )

Santiago- ( I did as my Nonno told me to do, I could feel my heart slow down, I slowly looked up at him and to see the concerning look in his eyes. )

grazie nonno
( thank you grandfather )

Tony- Allora vorresti dirmi perché sei qui così presto la mattina a picchiare questo sacco da boxe come se ti dovesse dei soldi?
( So would you like to tell me why you're here so early in the morning beating up this punching bag like he owes you money?)

Santiago - ( I stopped punching the bag and sat down on the seat, sighing, deeply )

È colpa mia, la mamma è così com'è adesso, si è ammalata perché ho aspettato, mi sono ripensato, non pensavo che Lexi avrebbe fatto qualcosa di così estremo e avrebbe cercato di ucciderla. Non ho controllato che la telecamera fosse così offensiva come avrei dovuto. se non fossi andato a quella scuola e fossi stato a casa allora lei starebbe bene e niente di tutto questo sarebbe successo e anche Santi non si sarebbe ammalata. Li ho delusi, era mio compito proteggerli e non l'ho fatto. Ho fallito... ho fallito...
( It's my fault, mom is the way she is now, she got sick because I waited, I looked back, I didn't think Lexi would do something so extreme and try to kill her. I didn't check the camera was as offensive as I should have. if I hadn't gone to that school and stayed at home then she would be fine and none of this would have happened and Santi wouldn't have gotten sick either. I failed them, it was my job to protect them and I didn't. I failed... I failed...)

Tony - ( oh my grandson, it wasn't your job to do that, it was ours and we failed you, I failed you so did your dad )

Non era il tuo lavoro, hai fatto tutto bene, tua mamma e tua sorella sono al sicuro, tua mamma starà bene, l'intervento ha avuto successo. tuo padre è orgoglioso e lo sono anch'io. Non sarebbero con noi se tu non avessi fatto quello che hai fatto, Dio sa cosa sarebbe successo loro. non picchiarti perché non avresti mai potuto vedere quello che ha fatto, sei ancora solo un ragazzino e anche se fossi arrivato qui prima, non potresti comunque impedire quello che è successo o cambiare il risultato. Dovresti essere orgoglioso di tutto ciò che hai fatto per tua madre e tua sorella, non essere triste perché ci sono stati alcuni ostacoli sulla strada e non è andato tutto liscio come avevi pianificato. quando le cose vanno come avevi pianificato allora cambi il piano, capisci adesso vai a farti la doccia e cambiati per la colazione, ti amo.
( It wasn't your job, you did everything right, your mom and sister are safe, your mom will be fine, the surgery was successful. your father is proud and so am I. They wouldn't be with us if you hadn't done what you did, God knows what would have happened to them. don't beat yourself up because you could never have seen what he did, you're still just a kid and even if you had gotten here sooner, you couldn't have stopped what happened or changed the outcome. You should be proud of everything you have done for your mother and sister, don't be sad because there were bumps in the road and everything didn't go as smoothly as you expected. when things go as you planned then you change the plan, you understand now go take a shower and change for breakfast, I love you. )

Santiago's pov- I gave Nonno a hug then left to go shower.
I know he is right and I know I did all I can and no that they are here.
I guess it's something I will have to slowly except.
It's not just us anymore, we have Dad and Nonno now.
I guess I will feel more better when I see that mom is okay with my own eyes.
I trust my dad now and so far he hasn't lied to me but I still need to see it for myself.
We can't loose her for the longest time she was all we had and just because we have dad and Nonno doesn't make that go away.
God please help mom open her eyes let her come back to us.

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