Family torture time 1

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Leonardo- ( After Tiffany passed out due to the chloroform I had my men take her to the warehouse, Santiago and I followed suite)

bel lavoro figliolo, ora la parte divertente vediamo quanta tortura le ci vorrà per rinunciare a chi lavora, conoscendola probabilmente non ci vorrà molto tempo.
ma abbiamo ancora Lexi e Carolin
( good job son, now for the fun part let's see how much torture it will take for her to give up on the workers, knowing her it probably won't take that long.
but we still have Lexi and Carolin )

Santiago - grazie papà ma a dire il vero mi interessa davvero solo Lexi e sua zia per quello che hanno fatto a mamma.
( thanks dad but to be honest I only really care about Lexi and her aunt for what they did to mom.)

Leonardo- Non preoccuparti figliolo, ne avrai abbastanza, credimi, voglio la mia parte e anche mio padre, noi ci fidavamo di loro e come un matto ci ho creduto.
come ho detto, sistemerò le cose per te e tua sorella, soprattutto per tua madre.
pagheranno, tuo nonno verrà con noi lì.
( Don't worry son, you will have enough, believe me, I want my share and my father too, we trusted them and like crazy I believed them.
like I said, I will make things right for you and your sister, especially for your mother.
they will pay, your grandfather will go with us there. )

Santiago's pov - It's makes me happy the happiest I have ever been, I can see he is trying by showing me that Santi and mom come first from here on out.
I can't wait to get my hands on them and I am trilled that he nor anyone who works for him seems to care about my brother's and I's age.
We maybe young but that doesn't mean we don't have the skills guts and fortitude to do everything they move and if he ever takes us on missions we could also be an asset as no one will few us as a treat we will be his secret weapon.
I will have to talk to dad about it, if I am to be the head of the family the next Don then why not learn everything now.
I am pretty sure he will agree, I mean he is letting us torture the people who Crossed the family so I am sure he will have no problem with it.
I snap out of my thoughts when my dad patted my shoulder letting me know we have arrived.
He said it was a warehouse but it looks more like a compound to me, a real fortress with guards circling around the whole place.

Leonardo- I will show you and your brother's around after, for now we have business to attend to.
( he just gave me a nod and followed me , we finally came to the Room were Ivan and Tiffany where tied to chairs the boys and Alessio, Carlo and Niko standing around with the biggest Grins on there face.
I looked to the two traitors with discussed, Ivan could barely keep his eyes open his still alive judging by his whimpering, ' fucking pussy , then there is Tiffany she still hasn't woken up yet )
Carlo go get the ice water so we can wake these two bitches up.
We have more people to torture and better places to be.
The boys and I would like to get back early so we can go get Santi and see there mom.
The room still isn't complete although they said it will be done in 24hrs so Aria should be at home with us tomorrow.
( Carlos quickly got the ice water pouring over the two of them.)
Niko did you get the information on Tiffany the full report, not that shit you gave me when I hired her.

Niko - Si Don  ( I grind at him ) just read it some thing very interesting well more like for the first time she will be truly useful and will pay for her sins in a different way.

Leonardo's pov - I took the file and read through it and just like Niko I couldn't keep the grin of my face as I kept reading through it.
She has O negative blood which means I can harvest her organs to save Aria's life.
I turned to face Tiffany who was fully awake a terrified expression on her face as she should be.

Leonardo - Glad you're finally awake just in time to pick and choose your own faith.
Choice 1. You tell us who you are working for and we won't torture you in the most horrific way.
Choice 2. You don't tell us and we keep you alive, we'll barely alive we will put you through regular days of torture bringing you to the brink of death then we heal you only to start fresh again the following day and that will be your daily routine.
Choice 3. You tell us everything and we will set you free soul and all.
So what will it be you have the count to 10 to tell us what we want to hear or we make the choice for you.
1....2....3...4...5...6 ..( cutoff)

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