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☆ 89. Who killed the famous detective 01

Who Killed the Detective 01

[Unfortunately, the game failed. ]

A bright line of words appeared on the screen, and the background seemed to be splashed with an eye-catching and ominous bright red. After the screen was distorted, the game jumped to the start interface again.

Heli almost broke the pen in his hand.

There are several pieces of paper covered with writing on the computer table, which are the notes that Heli made to clear the game.

"It's only been three weeks -!"

She flicked the pen, ruffled her hair angrily on the spot, then leaned back on the chair and took a deep breath to prevent her blood pressure from soaring.

Yes, this is already her third week playing the mystery game "Who Killed the Detective".

After a bug appeared in the game "Taisho Feng Hua Lu", she was forced to terminate the game. As a result, she clicked on the recommended new game out of boredom, and then embarked on this torturous road of no return.

However, the game's varied content, various hooks, and suspenseful and thrilling plot trends made Heli unable to stop, so she played it over and over again, and she still failed in the third game of Bloody Battle.

The background of the game is based on an island, which was acquired and developed by the wealthy Saionji family. The heir of Saionji wanted to hold his wedding on this island, and invited celebrities and friends from all walks of life. It's a luxurious feast.

But on the night before the wedding, there is bound to be a murder.

The development of each week of this game is very flexible. The victim in the first game is a male detective, and the victim in the second game is an elementary school student. However, it was not until later in the game that Heli realized that this guy had taken some kind of potion and became smaller. In fact, he is also a detective, and the three-week victim is still a detective.

The members of the team at the beginning of each game are different, but they will definitely be detectives.

So how did the detective end up with the game planner?

"The player must still be a detective at the beginning..."

Heli felt deeply subtle and complained, "How about the player also sacrifices to the sky, can he unlock the achievement of ending the game the fastest?"

And this is not an ordinary reasoning game, it has After a murder occurs on the island, it will completely lose contact with the outside world. People on the island will receive various threatening messages. They must find out the truth through voting among randomly selected suspects. Fierce, anyone who disobeys becomes cannon fodder.

This game doesn't end when the real culprit is caught. There is a deep case hidden in the background. It took Heli three weeks of play to pry open the invisible corner.

With his thoughts at this point, Heli moved the mouse and was finally ready to click on the "face pinching system".

She decided to create two vests to help her pass the level together, but she really couldn't take it anymore.

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