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It's been six months of your marriage with Yoongi.

You knew that Yoongi had no feelings for you, yet you decided to marry him. Your mother asked you to reconsider your decision, saying he is cold and rude but you were firm, convincing her that he isn't rude, but just that he doesn't know how to express his thoughts well.

You didn't know what it was, but the moment you saw him, you just knew that your heart could never belong to anyone else other than him. You felt that though he looks cold and rude, he is soft and warm from the inside, a person who is capable of loving too.

Being a workaholic, he often comes home late so you could only talk through texts and calls most of the time.

The limited time you get with him, you spend it talking about random things, asking him questions about his day and sometimes, this leads him to get annoyed at you for your childish behavior, when he thinks that you are being too clingy.

But despite of all this, he has always been a good husband to you and there has not been a single day you haven't feel blessed for having him in your life. His cold and and reserved behavior doesn't bother you for you understand him, understand the reason for him being this way. And what matters the most is, you love him, every bit of him and you hope that one day, he will be able to feel your love for him, understand that no matter what, you will be always there for him.

He has a pretty cute gummy smile but the sad part is that you have never seen him do that, you heard that he used to smile and laugh a lot before, when he was younger, that he was a cheerful and loving person, but that was all in the past. You have only seen photos of him with his smile, of him laughing freely as a kid...

You were shaked off from your thoughts when you heard some footsteps. You looked up and saw him coming towards you, dressed in his formals, looking flawless as always, as you took him in, at how beautifully perfect he is.

It was morning time and was time for him to go to his office. As he took his seat on his chair, you greeted him and your lips curved into a smile when he did the same.

While serving him breakfast, he said in his deep voice, "My father is coming to visit us today, he will be staying for some days so have his room prepared for him ".

You nodded and asked him, " When will he arrive? "

" Evening, I'll be leaving office early today to pick him up and will bring him home with me, so just keep the room ready ". He replied, again in his deep voice.

You nodded at him again with a smile.

After having his breakfast, he left for his office while you decided to prepare the room for your father-in- law, which he stays in whenever he comes to visit, after doing the house chores.

* time skip *

It's 6 p.m now. Taking a look at the clock, you sat down with a cup of coffee in your hand, turning on the television after completing all the work.

After sometime, you heard the doorbell ring and looked at the time again. Its 7:25. You didn't realised time went so fast as you were busy watching a series, which you recently got addicted to.

Quickly turning off the tv, you got up and went to open the door.

And there he was, your husband standing next to his father.

Without a word, Yoongi stepped inside, took the luggage and went towards his father's room while you greeted your father-in-law with a warm smile, asking him to come in.

Taking a seat in the hall, you both started to talk entering in a conversation.

While you two were talking, you noticed Yoongi going straight into his room after putting the luggage in his father's room. You sighed, as this time too, he is showing no interest in talking to his father.

After sometime, your father-in-law went to his room to take some rest and you went up, towards your shared bedroom.

You knocked on the door, but on getting no response, you slowly pushed it open and saw him sitting cross-legged with his laptop on the bed.

Entering in, you went near him. As you were about to say something, he said even before you could say it, as if he already knew what you were going to say, " Y/N, not again please ".

You sat in front of him before speaking, " Atleast one time, greet him properly just one time ".

He looked straight into your eyes, " Don't you understand that I don't want to talk to him? Why do you always try to convince me in doing so? Just stop telling me to do that and mind your own business ". He said a bit harshly and continued to work on his laptop.

Sighing, you stood up to leave. You came to the kitchen and started preparing dinner. This is not the first time it has been like this. Everytime his father visits, Yoongi doesn't talk with him, let alone greeting him properly. No matter how much you try, you can't convince him to do so.


* dinner time *

You took your seat next to Yoongi after putting the last dish on the table.

There was complete silence as the three of you ate. Again, it has always been like that. You do most of the talking and both of them either humm in response or answer to your questions.

So in order to lighten the atmosphere, you decided to speak first as usual, " Yoongi, I need to do some shopping tomorrow, so can you please drop me off in front of the mart on your way to office? " You asked, turning your head towards him.

He responded in a yes by nodding his head. You smiled at him but he didn't reacted at all.

When he was about to leave after finishing his dinner, your father-in-law asked him, making him stop, " Son, do you mind talking to... "

" No " Even before the man could finish his question, Yoongi cut him off and stormed off to his room.

The hopeful smile which formed on your father-in-law's face instantly turned into sadness and regret.

Seeing this, you said, " Dad, don't be sad. I'm sure he will understand you one day ".

You gave him a comforting smile while your father-in-law nodded with a sigh, patting your head lightly before getting up and leaving you alone.

By the time you went back to your room, you saw Yoongi already sleeping in his side of the bed peacefully. You went near him and stroked his hair gently, adoring his sleeping face before crawling into the bed beside him.

Soon after, closing your eyes, you fell asleep too.

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