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I walked out towards the hall. Jieun was busy on her phone. I went and sat beside her.

" Hey, feeling better now?? " She asked, keeping her phone aside, noticing my presence.

" Ya, pretty good " I replied.

" Looks so " She smiled.

" When is your husband coming back?? " I smirked at her. I decided to be happy at this moment, to face things bravely and with grace, just like Dad said.

" Soon.... Wait, what! Hey! What are you thinking, huh??? " She hit my head.

" Aah!!! Be gentle, that hurts " I frowned.

" You deserve it! "

" But I didn't say anything. It's you who is thinking otherwise " I made a boring face.

" Cause I know that mind of yours very well. Anyway, leave this now. And, about this...Yoongi, have you tell about this to her? "

" Not yet. I haven't got a good time and I think she's busy with her work "

" Oh! Okay. You two were - "
She was about to speak further when we heard a voice. We turned our heads to look at the person entering with a smile plastered on his face.

" Hey beautiful ladies! "

Jin walked towards us with two bags full of groceries in his hands.

" Hey! " Jieun said, standing up and went towards him. She took the bags from his hands as I greeted him too with a smile, " Hi! " at which he smiled back at me.

" Aah! It was a tiring day " Jin said stretching his body.

" I'm sorry baby. You already have so much work to do and on top of that, I told you to do all these shopping. I didn't want to leave Y/N here alone " Jieun explained, looking at him.

" It's okay Babe. I'm all refreshed up now after seeing you " He pecked her lips.

" Jin! What are you doing? Y/N is here!! " Jieun said in a low voice, getting flustered as she wasn't expecting that at all.

" So what! I'm just kissing my wife ". He gave her another peck before turning his head to look at me, " There's nothing wrong in this, right Y/n? "

" Absolutely right " I agreed with him as Jieun looked at both of us in disbelief.

" You two...- "

She has almost become a red tomato now. A giggle escaped my lips looking at her blushing like that.

" Uh... Okay. Now go and get freshened up " Jieun cleared her throat, turning her attention towards Jin.

" Ok, I'm going then ".

" That was great. I must say, you have got such a nice, handsome, caring and romantic husband. Red tomato " I teased her more once he finally left.

" Stop it now, or else I will take no time to sew your mouth " Jieun took out a carrot from one of the bags and pointed it at me, glaring.

" Okay okay, I will say no more " I put up my hands in the air in a mode of defense.

" Good girl! " She nodded in a proud way before making her way towards the kitchen.

" Let me help you " I smiled and went behind her.


Jieun is in the kitchen and I'm helping her to set the table. After some time, Jin came wearing a black shorts and a printed blue tee. He really looks nice in everything, even in such a simple outfit.

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