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* time skip to night *

I heard the door of Taehyung's room shut with a thud. He's probably still pissed at me, so he came this late today. I put the laptop beside me on the bed and stretched my arms out, twisting my body side to side. After staying in the room all day and working on some company's matters, I let out a breath of relief and got off the bed and made my way towards Taehyung's room.

I knocked on his door but when I didn't get any response, I opened it slightly and saw him sleeping on his stomach with the lights on and with his head facing the left side. His comforter is down on the floor, maybe he kicked it during his sleep. I went inside making sure not to wake him up. He must be so tired he didn't even change his clothes. I gently grabbed the comforter, picking it up and put it on top of him, tucking him beneath it.

I then stood there and looked at him. I've known him since middle school. Since then, we have been best friends. He is a little younger than me and more like a brother to me than a friend.

When I left Y/n, the first person that came in my mind was him, and as I know him, though he was not happy with my decision, he decided to help me and let me stay here, at his place. I was confused, hurt at that time and only he was the one to comfort me, to stay with me.

Not only this time, everytime in my helpless and lowest situations, he has helped me out. Even back when we were kids, since I was a lonely and reserved person, I didn't like to socialise with people, but he was the only one willing to be my friend, despite my cold personality.

I'm both thankful and sorry to him for everything. As I was watching him, he grabbed a pillow and pulled it towards him, keeping his left leg on top of it, making me smile. I stroked his head lightly, bending a little forward and came out of the room after switching the lights off.


I put the cake on the table after taking it out from the refrigerator. I looked at it and a smile lit up my face. It turned out well after staying all night to prepare it. Well, I got two hours of sleep in between. Last night, after coming out of Taehyung's room, I came down to the kitchen to make this as I wasn't sleepy at all.

I went to the washbasin to wash my hands when I heard footsteps walking in. I turned around to see Taehyung taking out a bottle of milk from the freezer.

" Good morning, Taehyungah! "

" I'm taking Ari out somewhere after office. So I'll be home late today. No need to prepare dinner for me ". He said coldly after gulping down the milk and putting the glass on the table.

This is the first time he's this angry at me. I nodded as he walked back towards the door.

" A..atleast taste this cake before you go " I said stuttering a little, like a child asking his parents for a new toy after breaking his previous one. He stopped and turned back around to look at me.

" Y/n and I completed one year of our marriage today " I said as he raised an eyebrow and walked towards me. " I didn't know that you liked to celebrate anniversaries too, hyung ".

" It was she, actually ". I said in a low voice. " Not me, it's she who liked to do these type of things. She did this every month, saying it's fun and beautiful to celebrate this special day which marks another month of togetherness with the one you love. Since she's not here today, I'm doing it on behalf of her ".

" It shows that you are missing her so much ". He sighed. " Anyway, what's the use of telling you this ". He cut a piece of cake and put it in his mouth. " I'm eating this because of Y/n, not you. I'm still angry at you hyung ". Saying that, he wiped his mouth and finally walked out after washing his hands.

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