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Yoongi pov :

She looked into my eyes, eyes that were having millions of questions in them but were waiting for my answers, eyes that were always filled with love and positivity but are now filled with tears of pain, all because of me.

" I wanted the best for you ". I managed to say, breaking the silence since both of us just stared at each other, not finding words to speak.

" Yoongi, I... "

" Listen to me first " I placed my index finger against her lips making her quite as her eyes travelled up to meet mine again.

" I grew up being a lonely person after my mother left me. I always thought love wasn't meant for me, so I hated that word, though it has so much power in it but was meaningless to me. Cause I felt it was useless to love, to feel it when it's gonna leave you again, leaving you in more pain. But then suddenly one day, you came into my life and... yo... you started changing me, started making me feel loved again when I thought I would never be able to feel that ever again. I started admiring your nature of being so positive and carefree, the way you viewed life and the things around you. I didn't know why, it just felt nice to be around you. And who would have thought there will be someone in this world who would not only make me feel loved but also teach me how to live life. And then you confessed your love to me, which was really shocking and unexpected, but it touched my heart. And one of the reasons I told you I don't believe in relationships was again the fear you would leave me one day but then again, to my surprise, you proposed marriage to me. And I just felt happy that someone is really willing to be with me, despite my cold personality. And I didn't want to marry you in the first place cause I was afraid I would hurt you one day, but your love, your belief in this word, made me believe that we can make this work without any obstacle, and that I should try experiencing this feeling again. And indeed you were right Y/n, you made me happy, you gave me so much love, more than I deserve. But then that moment came, that one day which I feared the most, hearing those words from your mouth....... "

She lowered her eyes looking away, as if my words are piercing right through her soul and stabbing in her heart. I immediately cupped her face, making her look back at me. The hot tears continued streaming down her cheeks against my palm as I started speaking again.

" Don't feel guilty Y/n. I've never blamed you. I just couldn't bring myself to think that I would keep on hurting you if I would have chosen to stay with you. I can't be selfish to do that. I know you love me, more than I can even imagine, I have always known that but I failed to give that love back to you. You deserve so much more Y/n, you deserve so much love and happiness but I couldn't give that to you. Deciding to leave you was one of the toughest decisions I've ever taken, but it was for the best. I did it for your good, for you to be happy. I wanted you to live happily with someone who will be able to give you what you deserve, but look at you now, standing here in front of me again. Tell me, what am I supposed to do now, hmn? "

She shook her head between my hands while I fought back my own tears that are trying their best to come out. I was learning to move on, to move on from the fact that she was once in my life and I was almost successful but now that she is here again, I don't know what to do. I don't know how to convince her that I'm not the one for her. She was still waiting for me to go back to her when I was never going to do it.

She wiped her tears pushing my hands down her face and looked at me.

" It wasn't what you thought. It was all a misunderstanding ". Having said that, she gently held my hand and led me to the couch. Making me sit, she sat down beside me turning her body towards me, facing me and placed her hands on top of mine.

" You said, you wanted the best for me. Then do you know what's the best for me? "

She asked while I looked at her and answered, " Your happiness " cause that's the only thing I wish for, her being happy.

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