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Yoongi's pov:

I came home earlier since my work got finished early today. First, I thought of calling Y/n to tell her that I will be home in half an hour, but decided against it.

Entering in the hall, I saw my dad and Y/n talking with each other and couldn't believe what I heard. My father asked her whether she's happy with me and what she said broke my heart. So this is what she thinks of me. I would have never known her thoughts if I hadn't heard her today. Hearing her say those things, I couldn't bear to stay there anymore and came back to my office.

So she has been thinking of me as rude and stubborn...from the beginning, then why did she wanted to marry me in the first place? Just because of love? A word which doesn't exist in my life anymore? But why? Why did she fall for someone like me? I knew I will hurt her someway or the other, because that's how I am, that's why I was not willing to get married at first, but I just don't know why I couldn't bear to see her with someone else. These six months we have been together, I thought I did my best...I... I didn't expected she will be regretting her choice one day. It turns out she's not happy with me after all.

The reason I hate my father is, because of him, my mother is not with me today. I remember crying and begging him to bring her back, but he didn't try to do so at all. He didn't even felt the need of completing the family. He ignored all my pleas and requests as if my feelings and opinions didn't mattered at all. I grew up without a mother, didn't get the pleasure of having both my parents by my side, all because of him. I hated him for not being a good husband, for failing to maintain the family but now, I guess I'm the same. I did my best to be a good husband but still failed. I ended up hurting her at last.

I know Y/n will never leave me, even if I hurt her another thousand times cause she loves me. But, I don't want to hurt her anymore. I don't want to do that anymore. And what is the point of loving someone whom you are not happy with? She is a beautiful and loving person. She has the right to live her life happily, with someone who will love her and take care of her and that someone is not me, a cold hearted and emotionless person.

She has to understand that I'm not the right one for her. I never was. She deserves so much. I don't think I will ever be able to give her the love she deserves. She has to move on, move on from someone like me and this is the only thing I can do.

I still don't feel anything for her yet, then why? What is this feeling, this pain that I'm feeling in my heart?

Why am I feeling pained at the thought of leaving her....

Forcing myself to shift my thoughts from whatever this feeling is, I let my eyes fall on a stack of blank pages piled up together at one corner of my desk.

* Meanwhile at home *

Y/n's pov:

Glancing at the clock once again, I continued pacing back and forth in the hall feeling restless and impatient.

" Calm down, Y/n. He will be back soon ". Dad said, making me look at him.

" But when? It's almost 11 now. Where is he? I called him many times but he isn't answering. He should have been back by now ".

I told Dad, who sat down on the couch after having his dinner. He insisted on having it together with us, but I told him to have his first since it was getting late.

" Maybe he's busy with his work, that's why he is taking time "

Hearing this, I felt a little relieved. Maybe he's really busy with his work but he answers the phone whenever I call him, but what happened today.

He is neither answering my calls nor replying to my texts. An uneasiness started rushing through my body at this strange feeling that I'm getting.

" Y/n, have your dinner too. Since its late, I think Yoongi already had his in his office. "

"No dad. Even so, I will wait for him and also I don't have an appetite. You can go and sleep if you are tired ".

" Ok then, do let me know when he arrives ". He replied after giving it a thought.

He got up from the couch to leave while I nodded my head at him with a small smile.

A/N's pov:

You were worried sick. What's taking him so long today. He usually calls and tells you if he has to stay late at the company. But he isn't doing so today. After waiting for some more time, you went to sleep hoping he will be next to you when you wake up.

* time skip to the next morning *

You woke up only to find that he is still not back. You wondered if he slept at the office yesterday. You picked up your phone which was placed on the bedside table and dialled his number again but still got no response from his side.

You quickly got up and went to the bathroom. Taking a quick shower, you got ready to leave for his office. You can't keep sitting here and hoping he will call you back.

Picking up your car keys and your purse, you made your way outside.

* at Yoongi's company *

Y/n's pov:

Parking my car at the parking space, I walked towards the entrance. " Good morning, ma'am " The receptionist already present at the front desk of the main lobby greeted me with a warm smile while I greeted her back before making my way towards the elevator. I waited for it to arrive and when it did, the doors flew open while I got in and pressed the button of the floor I'm heading to, the floor where's his cabin at.


The doors flew open again on reaching my designated floor. I quickly stepped out and made my way straight towards Yoongi's cabin.

Some of the other staff who reached early greeted me with the same warm smile when they saw me, while I returned the gesture back passing by them.

Reaching the door of his cabin, I knocked at it but received no response. I knocked two more times but when still no response came, I decided to enter in feeling impatient.

Entering in, I noticed that no one was present there. I'm starting to feel tensed now. Where could he be? I took out my phone from my purse and just when I was about to call him again, I heard a knock at the door.

I quicky turned back around thinking it's him but instead found his secretary standing at the door. He had a distant look on his face. Wasting no minute, I went towards him.

" Jayeul, where is Yoongi? "

I asked him but he was silent.

Feeling frustrated not understanding why is he being this way, I asked him again, my tone being angry yet calm. " I'm asking you something Jayeul. Where the hell is my husband? "

When he still chose to remain quite, my frustration grew more as I kept looking at him with a straight face.

" God dammit, what's happening, just tell me where the hell is he??? "

My voice came out louder this time. I'm tired now. I'm not understanding what is going on, why is he being quite, why isn't Yoongi answering my calls and texts, where is he! Many thoughts started crossing my mind as I kept my eyes fixed on Jayuel waiting for him to answer while trying not to fear the worst.

And then, when I was about to lose my control, he took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to me before saying,

" Sir told me to give this to you when you arrive " , And having said that, he just left without a further word.

I looked down at my hand, at the paper and found it to be a letter. Confused, I opened the letter and tears started falling down my cheeks reading it.

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