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I do not love her, then why didn't I refused her that day; is the hardest thing I have been dealing with these past few days.

Love! I whispered the word as it played through my head. This word doesn't exist in my life anymore then why my heart skipped a bit when she said she loves me!?

Shaking my head, I rolled over to my right going through her messages which she last sent a week ago.

Is she finally angry at me or did something happen at her workplace that is keeping her too busy to text me? I think it's the latter cause she was texting me just fine after we last met which was three weeks ago. And as far as I know her, she's not the type to remain angry for such a long time. Anyway, why should it matter to me? It's good that she's finally busy with her own life. 

I read her texts again. While I was going through them, a message suddenly popped up on the screen making me sit up on the bed. It's her text!! She finally texted me after this whole week!! This freaking whole week!!! I quickly tapped on the full message and frowned in confusion looking at it.

Y/n : Yoongi, I'm sorry if I was being too childish all this time. But don't worry, I won't bother you anymore. It was nice meeting you. I really enjoyed each and every moment spent with you and will cherish them forever in my heart. Good luck for your future.

Why is she saying this? What happened suddenly? For the first time ever, I'm finding myself replying her back.

Yoongi : Where are you now?

It took her a couple of minutes to reply back. I guess she was probably wondering my sudden change of behavior.

Y/N : XXX Cafe

As soon as I read that, I got off the bed and put on a shirt and pant and walked out of my room, after taking the keys from the table to go outside, towards my car.

Luckily, today's sunday, and I don't have any extra work. I quickly went to my car to get to that cafe.


Pulling the brakes, I looked to my right. There it is written in bold words, ' XXX Cafe '. After parking my car in a suitable parking spot, I made my way towards the cafe crossing the street.

The cafe is beautiful, simple and elegant. It has a cool interior complex that gives off a calming vibe. There are some quotes written on the walls embedded in frames. The frames are beautifully carved on wood. As soon as I entered, a waiter passing by me holding an empty tray greeted me with a smile. I greeted him back and looked around to find her.

I noticed her sitting some tables away with her back facing me and a guy is sitting across her on the other side. Since there aren't many people here, it was easier for me to identify her by her black long hair which she has left untied today.

Without wasting another second, I went towards them having no idea who that guy is and why I rushed here after reading her message.

They were talking when I approached them.

" Y/n! "

I called her and she immediately turned her head to my side hearing my voice.

" Yoongi? " She said, standing up being totally surprised. I can tell from her expression that she wasn't expecting me here at all. " You..... here? "

I nodded and was thinking what to tell her when the boy said, " Hello! Who are you? "

Before I could answer him, Y/n replied, " He's... He's my friend ".

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