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I know you will come here looking for me. But by the time you read this letter, I will be already gone. I don't know how to say this, I... I heard your words yesterday, when you were telling Dad what you think of me. I'm sorry that I heard your conversation and I'm sorry for hurting you. I have always felt that I'm not good enough for you, I just wish I could have realized that earlier. You should have never married me. You should not waste your love on a person like me, who can't give you the love and happiness that you deserve. I'm not worth of it. After all, I really am someone who is hard to deal with, is cold and stubborn. I think it's better if we part our ways now than it gets too late, cause I'm afraid I will keep hurting you more if you continue to be with me. Don't be mad at me. I'm doing this for your good. You need someone who will love you, take care of you, pamper you, shower you with only happiness and I'm not that person. This is the only way I can free you from me. Don't try to look for me, it will be of no use. And don't worry, I will take care of myself. I'm sorry again for having to tell you in this way but I couldn't think of any other solution. And lastly, I hope you get happiness in your life. Move on from me and find someone who is better than me, who is worthy of your love. "

Take care

Holding the paper in my hand, I crouched down to the floor. I looked at it repeatedly again finding it hard to believe the words in it while tears kept flowing down my cheeks.

" Are you stupid, Yoongi? How can you think of leaving me?? How can you be dumb enough to believe what I said?? My happiness comes from you, only you are worthy of my love, how can you even think of telling me to find someone else? Someone better? I want only you, I need only you. How did you think that...doing this is for my good!? Please come back and tell me this is a joke. Please don't leave me, I..... I can't live without you. " I mumbled under my breath shaking my head violently, refusing to believe he just...he just left me......left me all alone for something which he haven't ever done.

A/N pov:

You cried hard after reading the letter.

You didn't know how much time passed, you just sat there holding the letter close to your heart while the tears never seemed to stop. You have no idea what to do now. You felt as if your world collapsed suddenly. Never in your dreams had you expected such a day would come. You blamed yourself for making him believe that he wasn't good enough for you, that he doesn't deserve you.

You took a look around the place, his cabin, his things which suddenly felt all empty without him when your phone rang. You picked it up without looking at the screen.

" Hello, Y/N! Where are you? Did you find Yoongi? "

" Dad... "

"What happened, dear? Anything wrong? " Your father in law asked you, immediately sensing something's not right as a soft sob left your lips hearing his voice.

"Dad... Dad.. Yoongi..he...", You tried to speak but couldn't say anything more than that. Your tears were the only thing that spoke of your pain in the silence and loneliness that started to surround you in that empty cabin, the pain which was getting unbearable every passing second, the pain which left you feeling numb all over, the pain which broke your heart into tiny million pieces.

" Come home, Y/N. We will talk here ".

Taking in your silence, he said as you hang up the call without answering.

* time skip to 30 mins *

* at home *

You stepped inside and saw your father-in-law waiting at the hall with a worried look on his face. The moment he saw you, he came rushing towards you. As soon as he took a look at you, he got horrified looking at your state. You were a crying mess now.

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