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* Time skip to the next day *

Getting ready for your required shopping to be done, you headed outside. Your father-in-law was still in his room, so you kept his breakfast in the table covering it neatly before leaving the house.

Yoongi being already ready was waiting for you outside in his car. After you got in, he started the engine before driving off.

" The breakfast was tasty today. I so loved it ". You said looking at him. " Dad's gonna love it too " And added further.

He responded with just a nod of his head, keeping his eyes focused on the road, while you turned your head to look out of the window.

Earlier, as you walked in the kitchen, he was already there, being so focused while making breakfast. You were not surprised to see him there as cooking is not a big deal for him. Your husband loves to cook and even more so, he was the one who taught you how to cook. But what moved you was the fact that he made your favorite while keeping in mind the details, the way you love to savour it, like every other time.


He dropped you near the mart. You waved him bye and turned around to go inside.

From the corner of your eye, you saw him leaving only after you entered in which brought a smile on your face. Shaking your head slightly, you first went towards the food section.

Though he acts all tough and cold, these little things of him showing that he cares for you are more than enough to make you happy. Realising someone might be watching you smiling crazily all by yourself, you quickly gave your head another shake before taking a look at the things that you need to take.

Picking all the necessary things including snacks, you decided to do some grocery shopping before finally leaving for home.

It was past twelve in the afternoon by the time you reached home.

Noticing that your father-in-law was not in the hall, you guessed he was in his room and went upstairs, to your room.

After changing into comfortable clothes, you came down to make lunch as it was almost lunch time. Yoongi didn't take his lunchbox today, so probably he will eat from the company cafeteria or order take out like he usually does whenever he doesn't take his lunchbox.

After having made lunch, you waited for your father-in-law to come out of his room and when he finally did, you both sat down to eat.


* time skip to the evening *

" Here Dad! " Offering a cup of coffee to your father-in-law, who was reading a book sitting on the couch, you took a seat across from him in the hall.

" Thankyou dear! " Keeping the book aside, your father-in-law gave you a smile before taking a sip of the beverage.

" So how's your life with Yoongi? My son's not that hard to handle, is he? How does he treat you? Are you happy with him? " , your father-in-law asked, looking at you.

You thought for a second and then answered him after a pause.

" What to tell you Dad. He is a very stubborn person. He will only do what he likes, no matter how much you try to say something. He sometimes gets annoyed if I keep asking him many questions and I've never seen him smile, not even a bit. He was even a bit rude to me yesterday. I don't know why I married him in the first place. He is like a person with no emotions at all. Acts cold, is reserved, not affectionate at all. And you know what, my mother asked me to rethink my decision of marrying him, but I insisted and now see, I'm stuck with him forever ".

Your father-in-law knows you very well and was smiling as you complained about his son. This is the first time ever since you got married that he has asked about your married life, so you couldn't help but to be playful.

You respect and love your father-in-law just like your own parents. He has never let you feel as an outsider ever since the moment Yoongi introduced you to him. He treats you like his own child so this is the reason you can say whatever you want to him freely cause you know he will never judge you.

But little did you know that while you were saying all this, someone was hearing your words, your each and every word. But he had no idea that you were saying all this jokingly and didn't mean any of what you said seriously.

But this was all unknown to that one person who heard your words and took it the wrong way.

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