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" Ma'am, can we please talk? " Jayeul said, walking up to me.

" Sure " I replied as he gave me a thankful nod.

He led me to a vast and spacy room with a cool interior vibe and we took our seats on the chairs placed there.

There were some resumes placed on the table in front of us. From the looks of it, probably interviews are taken here for newbies joining the company.

" What is it? "

I asked turning my attention towards him, knowing very well what he was going to say. I just want to hear it from him.

" Ma'am, actually.... " - He stuttered.

" That... Actually... "

" You want to tell me about Yoongi, right? " I asked, seeing that he was unable to frame his words.

" Ho..How did you know? " He looked at me wide-eyed.

" From the way you are behaving " I answered straightforwardly as he stared at me for a moment. Then with a slight nod of his head, he said " Actually, Sir....Yes, I know about him but... I can't tell you ". He lowered his head a little.

I let him continue.

" I don't know why Sir did this, I asked him but he even didn't tell me anything. He just told me not to tell you. I'm sorry ma'am, I...I can't help you ".

There was a firm determination in his eyes and voice as he spoke. So after a moment of silence, I said, " First of all, no need to call me ma'am, you can just call me Y/N, thinking of me as your elder sister. And secondly... " Gathering enough strength to say the next words, I finally said, " Fine, since you don't want to tell me about him, I...I won't force you to do so. "

A relief flashed across his face as soon as I said this.

"But I want to ask you, why did you even bother to tell me this if you don't want to help me at all? " I asked looking at him, a pain reflecting in my voice more than anger knowing very well that no matter what, he wouldn't tell me a thing about Yoongi. Jayeul answered after a moment of silence " Cause, I would have feel guilty if I even didn't tell you this. And, I think even if some things can't be helped, it's better to lighten the burden of the heart than to carry the guilt in it, don't you think so? " He gave a small smile before continuing, " Sir is the only one who always stands up for me, believes in me and treats me like a brother. He has always helped me whenever I'm in need of it. He trusts me so much and now that he has put his trust on me again, I really cannot betray that trust of him ".

He said as I took in his words.

" You know what hurt me the most? " I asked as he waited for me to continue." That is he decided everything on his own like every other time, not feeling the need to share his thoughts with anyone else. He didn't even think twice before taking such a step. No use of saying it now. Fine, I'll act like you didn't tell me anything today. But in return, you have to do me a favor "

Jayeul nodded as I said, " You can't tell him that I'm not giving up on him . You agreed to keep his trust and now you have to agree to keep mine ".

I said with equal determination like him as he nodded again agreeing to my request. " Don't worry, I won't tell him ". He said with an assured smile.

For some more minutes, I kept sitting there. How will I pretend not to know that I have a chance to get to him soon but can't just do that. How long it will take before I get to see him again? Why did it have to be this way? It's hard..so hard.

" Thankyou " I said, looking back at him and stood up to leave.

" Take care of the company along with Mr. Nam ".

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