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" Hello Bitch! Finally you remembered me, huh! " Jieun, my best friend said in her cheerful happy voice, picking up the call.

" Why are you saying that too? " I frowned a little, " I just called Mom a few minutes ago and she said the same ".

" You yourself know the answer to that very well, right? " She said calmly and I can very well imagine the little smirk playing on her lips right now, so I replied, sighing " Well, I have no other choice but to agree to that, yeah but that doesn't mean I forgot you and you know that very well right? " I said smiling as she hummed in response, being satisfied.

" By the way, are you free now? " I asked her next.

" Yeah, just got free. I was packing tiffin for Jin. He just left a while ago. So sorry, I couldn't pick up your call earlier. My phone was here in the room and I was in the kitchen. " She explained.

" It's okay Jieun, no need to say sorry " I smiled.

" So, tell me. What made you call me huh! Any good news??? She asked teasing me.

" Jieun, please. I'm not in the mood for jokes now ".

" What's wrong, Y/n? You are not sounding like your usual self. Is everything okay?? " Her voice changed into a concerned one, hearing the seriousness in my voice.

" No...I'm not "

" What happened?? Tell me "

I told her everything, about the letter, the misunderstanding that caused him to leave me and my failure of finding him till now.

" God!! Ho...How can this be? I can't believe this ".

She said, being totally shocked.

" I'm feeling helpless... "

" Hey! Don't cry "

" Jieun, Can I.. Can I come to your place? This house reminds me of him everyday, every minute, every second and it is...it is getting difficult for me to live here without him. I'm feeling utterly alone here. I need someone to rely on now and I could only think of you besides my parents. I don't want to go to them ".

" Idiot, is that even a thing to ask? Just pack your bags and leave already ".

She answered immediately as I smiled.

" And let me tell you, you are coming just at the perfect time. My in-laws are not at home now. They just went on a trip last week to Tokyo. So you know what does that mean, right? It means, we will have a lot of fun. Come fast, I'm waiting for you ".

My smile widened further knowing she is trying to cheer me up as I replied, nodding, " I'm coming "


* Gwacheon *

Ringing the doorbell, I stood outside waiting for Jieun and it didn't take too long for the door to get opened, revealing a happy and smiling Jieun, as if she was just waiting for me to arrive.

" Finally you are here!!! I missed you so much!! " Jieun hugged me tightly as soon as she saw me.

" Le..leave me.. You will ki..kill me " I coughed.

Hearing that, she fred me immediately before taking a look at me carefully.

" What?? " I asked, confused.

" I should be asking you that. Just look at yourself, Y/n. What have you done to yourself, your have got so much thinner and have even got dark circles under your eyes ".

She said in a worried tone.

" I'm fine, it's just that.. I haven't slept well these days "

" Come in first "

We came inside and she went to the kitchen to get me a glass of water. I sat on the couch waiting for her and after a few minutes, she came back and sat beside me.

" Anything else you want?? I'm sure you have not been eating properly too "

" No, I'm not hungry "

" You know what, I'm feeling like hitting you ".

I ignored her and drank the water instead in one go and then said,

" I'm taking care of myself. I ate before coming... "

" This is what you call taking care of yourself, huh!?" She cut me off and continued again, " You have made yourself a mess, a complete mess "

She continued further with her scoldings while I just kept quiet. This girl will surely kill me if I try to defend myself even a bit more.

" Fine fine. I won't say more. Now tell me, what took you so long? You were supposed to reach here in the morning after our call, but it's almost evening now ".

" I did some cleaning before coming. I won't be going back for a while so couldn't have come leaving the house a mess, right? ".

She nodded once as I said that " Hmn, fine, now get some rest first. Come, let me show you your room ".

Jieun said, getting up as I nodded and followed her quietly.

We came and stood in front of a room.

" Tada! " She said opening the door.

I stepped inside and started scanning the room with my mouth open like a child.

" So, how's it??? "

" It's so pretty! "

" You have always liked this kind of stuff, so I decorated it nicely for you "

" I loved it, Jieun.Thankyou so much! " I gave her a quick hug and went to the bed and flopped there.

" You are still like a kid, the same ".

She said, laughing at me.

" Shut up! "

" Ok, Ok. Get some rest. I'm leaving ".

I nodded with a smile looking at her. She smiled back at me before closing the door and leaving me alone.

I started scanning the room once again. It's not too big nor too small. Just perfect. The purple colour is looking so pretty in the walls. There are some soft toys placed on the top corner of the bed and a big brown teddy is sitting in a chair right beside the dressing table. There is a wire with mini lights on one side of the wall and the switch of it is connected to the plug point near the bed. The whole room will look so pretty, glowing with only the mini lights on when the main lights will be switched off. Everything is just perfect. Jieun really is so thoughtful. I smiled before turning my head to look at the big teddy and went towards it. A similar one of the same size as this one is at mine and Yoongi's room.

I smiled looking at the teddy. It made me remember the day. It was our first month anniversary and Yoongi gifted me that teddy. I still remember I was in the hall watching TV when he came near me in slow steps. He called my name and when I looked at him, he handed me the teddy saying, " Happy first month anniversary, I know how much you like stuff toys, so I didn't think of buying anything else and bought you this one ", and left before I could even say anything. I was really surprised at his behaviour as I didn't expected at all he will think of giving me something and happy at the same time cause he did so and even thought of giving me something that I like, instead of choosing on his own.

A/N pov :

You were lost in your thoughts of that day, those short but sweet words of his still loud and clear in your ears when suddenly you felt a drop of water burning your skin. You looked down at your hand and didn't realised when tears started falling from your eyes. You wiped them and went back to the bed picking up the teddy in your arms. You laid down and slept holding the big fluffy thing close to your chest.


Y/n pov :

I sat up, rubbing my eyes and stretched my hands up in the air. I looked at the time and realised I slept for quite a while and finally a good sleep after so long. Caressing the soft fur of the teddy, I got off the bed, feeling relaxed and calm, put on my slippers and went out.

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