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* time skip to night *

Ari hasn't called till now, I glanced at the clock again, running out of patience. Taehyung is my last hope of finding him, otherwise... I really don't know what to do.

As I was impatiently walking back and forth in my room, my phone rang making me relieved. I quickly went and picked it up hoping to get a positive answer.

" Hello, did you ask him? What did he say?? " I asked her impatiently.

" Y/n, even Tae.... " Ari paused for a second before saying, " Even Taehyung doesn't know where he is... "

I stayed silent.

" Y/n, I'm... I'm sorry. I'm not able to help you and moreover, I don't know how to make you feel better... " She sighed.

" I'm okay. It's just... I.. I'm just surprised Yoongi didn't even tell him anything ".

" I understand how you are feeling. Don't be disheartened. I - "

" I'm fine, really. It's late now. Go to sleep ".

" Are you sure? "

" I'm really okay, Ari, don't worry "

" Take care. And don't worry too much. We are here for you always, you know that, right? ". She said softly as I nodded my head slightly.

" Bye "

I hang up and went to the bed. I'm not angry, I'm not sad. I'm just feeling empty, full of emptiness. My eyes are getting heavy and before my emotions get a hold of me, I closed them and didn't know when I drifted off to sleep.

* Time skip to two days *

The thought is killing me that Taehyung was my last hope but even that hope is gone now. I was combing my hair after taking a shower, thinking what to do now when my phone rang. I looked at the caller Id. It's Jayeul.

" Hello! "

" Hello! Y/n. Are you not at home? "

" No, why? "

" Actually, I'm in front of your house, but it looks like no one's here. Are you coming back soon? If so, I will wait for you here ".

" No, I'm not going back ".

" Oh....then.. "

" What's wrong? Is everything okay? " I asked, cutting him off, being a little tensed.

" Actually, there's something I need to give you, so I came to see you ".

" I won't be going back. But if it's urgent, you can do one thing. I'm sending you the address. Come here ".

" Gwacheon?? " He asked, his tone being surprised, probably seeing the address.

" Yes "

" Okay! See you there then ". He said and hang up.

What's the matter! He sounded a little off. Is Yoongi okay? Why am I feeling like something's not right. A tinge of fear and worry filled up my veins.

I put on a casual top and a light blue denim shorts and headed outside.


I came down and went to the kitchen. There are sandwiches laid beautifully on the table. I grabbed one quickly as my stomach is growling angrily.

I don't know what Jayeul needs to give me. Maybe I'm thinking too much. Maybe it's something related to the company. I tried to fill my mind with positive thoughts as I picked up another sandwich and took a bite of it.

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