PRELUDE /// THIRD: An Awl In The Pocket

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Far away from the disassembly drones and the terminal, A giant complex full of worker drones was present. Inside was a drone like no other. Among its peers, it was shunned and ridiculed. But soon things would change, both favorable and unfavorable for this little worker drone.

"But what have our parents done for the past ions while those things build A SPIRE OF CORPSES?! Hide under the ice behind three stupid doors?! It's like we're waiting for an inciting incident! Anyway, that's why my project is this S

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"But what have our parents done for the past ions while those things build A SPIRE OF CORPSES?! Hide under the ice behind three stupid doors?! It's like we're waiting for an inciting incident! Anyway, that's why my project is this S.A.H Railgun!" With a manic laugh, Uzi presented the rifle-like weapon to the class.

"Uzi... What does S. A. H stand for? " Asked the teacher skeptically.

"It obviously stands sick as hell you-" Uzi muttered under her breath. 

"Ahem. it stands for Supercharged Atomic Helix photon supercharger, and it is capable of  DESTROYING EVERYONE IN THIS ROOM AT ONCE!" yelled Uzi as she brandished her Sick-As-Hell railgun. Her classmates panicked as the teacher looked at her with a bored expression on his visor. "This is so not the vibe," Riley remarked as she hid behind her desk. "Okay. whoever just said that could bite me!" Uzi retorted as the teacher approached her. "Let's have a look, shall we?" the teacher said.

"No visible power source, rendering this weapon useless, and Uzi, the assignment was about a word problem that happens when you buy watermelons. I'm afraid that I'll have to give you an incomplete for this one. If you don't come to me with a new version until today, I have no choice but to give you an F." The teacher commented, rolling his eyes.

"W..What? But this is my-" Uzi fumed but the teacher cut her off. "Okay, F it is." As Uzi stormed back into her seat, her classmates laughed and snickered at the unfortunate drone. Angered, Uzi pulled out her railgun, attempting to blow Riley's head off. Uzi faltered as the weapon started glowing red. 

"It's not supposed to do that, isn't it?" The teacher asked while taking cover behind a conveniently shaped desk

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"It's not supposed to do that, isn't it?" The teacher asked while taking cover behind a conveniently shaped desk. The other students followed as the railgun exploded in Uzi's face.

"Gee, I hope it killed her." A voice could be heard as Uzi fell into unconsciousness...

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