VENGEANCE /// ACT 1 CLIMAX: Agents Of The Solver

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A burning pain, and a malicious voice. "Kill the foreigner first. The rest you can handle easily." One of her eyes now bore the mark of the solver, ready to unleash the power of null. Pulling out a knife, Doll multiplied it by ten, surrounding V1 with them. Even with extreme mobility, dodging all of them would be nigh impossible.

N tried to ambush Doll, but she teleported N away, sending him crashing into a table. Lifting and enlarging some speakers, Doll sent them hurtling at V. Ripping her arm off the pipe, V leaped away to avoid the impact. However, she was held in place by the Doll, moving pillars of steel to block her path. 

"Say good night."

Doll spoke as she pinned down V and launched the knives at V1. "Hell no!" Uzi replied as she fired her railgun, destroying the oncoming knives. V1 parried the remaining knives away, redirecting them straight to Doll. Stepping back, Doll's eyes widened as a knife barely missed her face, going through her hair. Gritting her teeth, she summoned a force field, trapping V1 inside. Maintaining the cage, Doll summoned a spear of energy. Glistening red, the spear was soon cast, spiraling to V.

"V! No!" N shouted as Uzi rolled her eyes, pulling him from the falling debris.

"Uzi, so you're siding with the disassembly drones?"

Doll spoke. Sighing, she used the solver to freeze Uzi in place. 


{Like objects are not interactable.}

Surprised, Doll quickly stopped a full-sized mic from hitting her, teleporting as Uzi threw various objects at her.

"Why would you betray the workers, Uzi?"

Doll said, puzzled that a fellow solver-wielding drone would side with their natural enemies. "I didn't betray anyone! You guys cast me away and they decided to help me out!" Uzi retorted, struggling to throw a DJ boombox at Doll. Effortlessly, Doll redirected it away, sending it crashing into a corner. This caused the device to go haywire, causing it to blast songs at random.

Through the cacophony of noise, V slowly got up. Who was that worker drone and why was she so... Oh.

A worker drone she had killed when she was a trainee. She and the drone that stood before her had a natural resemblance. A resemblance that was most seen between a mother and daughter. Realizing who she was, V shouted, "Hey, idiot! Your mother didn't even taste that good!"

Approaching Doll, V drew out her claws.

"Take it back, придурок," Doll murmured, simmering with rage. Killing her parents during her infancy was one thing, insulting them was a whole other matter. "What's the matter, gonna cry?" V taunted, almost getting hit by a knife. Doll lunged. She would kill her close and personal. Disregarding all means of safety, she brought down her entire arsenal. Flashes of red could be seen and V saw herself surrounded with knives, swords, and various pointy objects that Doll could conjure up.


"In mother Russia, workers disassemble YOU!"

Mouth agape, V waited for her demise, but something grabbed and dragged her out from the fray.


NOW PLAYING: TENEBRE ROSSO SANGUE [To all machines hearing this, Have Fun.]

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