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Two spheres appeared next to the figure's hands, and he pointed his finger at N, sending a beam of crackling red light. Uzi shoved N away as she deflected the beam away, sending it up into the ceiling, creating a hole.

With her solver ready, Uzi lifted two rocks and threw them at the figure. He stopped them mere inches from his face and crushed them into piles of sand.

Laughing, the figure lunged at Uzi, landing a punch on her face. Uzi turned to evade, but the side of her face was torn off, leaving broken circuitry showing.

Gritting her teeth, Uzi summoned the solver again as N readied his laser cutter.

"Tessa said Dr. Chambers was against the solver! Why are you fighting us?!"

N asked, dodging bolts of electricity as 'Chambers' relentlessly chased him. Smiling, Chambers brought forth the sphere labeled [ANTI] closer to N, slowly pulling him to his grasp.

"I'm afraid Dr. Chambers is long gone, but his body still serves me well."

Then, he deleted the [ANTI] region and presented a small orb labeled [AMPLIFY]. A tremendous force pushed N, repelled from Chambers and into the concrete walls behind.

Uzi rushed over to N, but with another [ANTI] command, Chambers slowly dragged Uzi within his range.

Uzi watched in horror as Chambers brought out his hands and formed a sign with his hands.



[Positive matter, Negative energy, Manifest]


Uzi recoiled as a puddle of blood engulfed both her and Chambers. To her surprise, the blood started to boil, and a figure slowly rose from it. Seemingly made out of blood, it levitated, revealing a skeletal body wearing a knight's helmet.

[Fuller Auto.]

Countless blue orbs appeared from the druid knight's hands as Uzi ran behind cover. The orbs relentlessly chased her. Some got destroyed by the pillars but others still pursued her, homing in.

Uzi felt a blinding heat as the orbs met their target, burning her. Uzi tried to form a shield with her solver but was no use. The orbs ignored the defense, phasing through. Several more made contact and Uzi cried out in agony. As the druid knight raised his hands for the final blow, N finally woke and freed himself from the rubble, lunging at the airborne knight, sword outstretched.

As the druid knight fell back, N revealed his wings and dived straight down to pin the druid knight, strangling him.

[Full Auto.]

The druid knight tried to shake off N, firing red orbs of hell energy, but N stood, unwavering, driving the tip of his sword into the helm of the druid knight.

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