MALICE /// SECOND: No Right, Only Left...

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"I swear I'm going to murder that thing as soon as I get out of here," V muttered as she traversed along the white hallway. For hell, this place seemed a bit too empty. Soon, she came across a pit. Looking down, V saw an endless void beneath. Wings out, she glided across the corridors to see a glowing blue orb. A mechanical humming sound could be heard.

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A notification box appeared on V's head-up display. "You know what? I'll kill you as soon as I get out of this damn puzzle." V replied as she flew up to see the way blocked by metal bars. She tried to break them by firing rockets at it, but it did no damage. She then saw a yellow orb, floating in the air. V noticed a button on top of it. She pressed it and the bars blocking the way lifted.

'What is this place?' She wondered as she looked around, seeing nothing but tiles of pure white. 'Is this even Hell?' She thought. She came across another pit. This time, multiple orbs were floating around the room. Seeing the yellow one, V approached it and pressed the button. The door opened. V found herself in a wide hallway. Two pillars were in the middle and two of the grotesque things she had seen stood on top. She remembered the thing they reminded her of. Hands. Their joints were made by white bloodied hands, connecting each other. Shuddering, V proceeded.

To her surprise, the grand door in front of her broke into pieces. A dull yellow light lit up the room.  In front of her stood a brown, bulky machine. Riot shield in one hand, it charged. "What the - " It was deceptively fast. V stepped back, but the shield caught her and sent her flying away. As she was knocked back, she noticed the machine preparing a minigun, aiming it right at her. She dove to the left and saw beams of white light spraying from the gun, following her. She heard bullets clatter and to her horror, saw pencil-sized chunks of metal. Getting hit by that would mean certain death for V, even with her repair nanites. "Get the hell away from me!" She said as she fired her SMGs at the hulking robot. To her dismay, the bullets bounced off harmlessly. The machine seemed to track her with its bullets. She realized that its aim was getting better and better. The tracking speed increased as the machine fired away. Hiding behind a pillar, she waited for the machine to stop firing. She prepared two swords. As the machine raised its riot shield, V jumped back, landing behind it. She plunged the sword into the back of the machine. She would sorely regret that decision...

Instead of oil, blood spurted out.  A lid opened up from the Gutterman's back. V looked closer, and saw a human, gasping for air. It was so thin and pale. Yet, it was alive. A thick tube exited from its abdomen, pumping a thick, red liquid into the machine. She remembered what V1 had said about Blood-fueled machines. "No. It can't be!" She gasped. The man strapped into the Gutterman screamed in agony as blood gushed out. Covered in red, V shivered. The warm sensation revolted her. Her swords had pierced through the supply tubes on its...His stomach.

"Hahahahaha... Finally! Machine, I thank you......" The man spoke, seemingly manic in front of death. He laughed a ghastly choking laugh, blood spraying everywhere. She could see intestines and lungs bulging out from the gash. The man looked right at her, his skin becoming paler and paler. Then he thanked her. Unable to comprehend all this, V stood, frozen in place. She watched as the man went limp, dead. As the light vanished from his eyes, the organs held in place by the life support system spilled out on the floor.

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