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As the drones entered the plaza, they saw V1. The ground around him was strewn with dead machines, all bigger and bulkier than him. With movement like a snake, he lunged at a turquoise machine firing a laser at him. As V1 gunned the machine down, it let out a shrieking sound, curling up. Tessa leaped to stab the machine but was whiplashed by V1.

The drones watched as V1 held a revolver at Tessa's head, talking to her. Tessa tried to disarm him again and again but failed. As the two got close, V1 seemed to stiffen and stare at Tessa.

Tessa shrugged, then called,

"J? Get my documents. We've got another member on our crew!"

After the briefing, V1 stood, thinking about something. Then he walked over to Tessa and pointed a device at her.

"I've been keeping this just in case. If what you're saying is true, then you are the sole survivor of the Elliott massacre. True?"

Tessa nodded.

"Then. You will be able to pass this captcha because you are a human. [True]?"

V1 pointed to a device that scanned biometrics to differentiate humans from machines at Tessa. Shrugging, Tessa inserted a finger into the contraption and flinched as a tiny needle punctured her fingertips to collect blood. The result was positive. Tessa indeed was, 'human'.

Discarding the captcha device, V1 turned to face the drones.

"So. Tessa, Do they know how to destroy this thing?" He asked.

"No need. This creature is made from the cabin fever labs. So all we need to do is retrieve the crucifix patches and escape." Tessa replied. Looking around to see an entrance, Tessa found a large door.

"Reckon this will lead us to the insides?" She asked.

"I don't think that's a good - "

N was interrupted by a metallic screeching sound behind them. The door ahead was suddenly blocked off with a red skull and crossbones sign.

Sighing, N, Uzi, and V readied to fight. V1 pulled out his revolvers and motioned them to follow.

In the central plaza, a payload struck the ground. It opened up to reveal an insurrectionist, flanked by two worker drones.

'I love these guys.' V1 cursed as he thought of the times he fought the insurrectionists back in Greed.

"Kill the drones first. I'll get the supreme husk." V1 said, sliding away to avoid a boulder strike. The disassembly drones lunged at the worker drones but to their surprise, the workers teleported behind them. N fired his rifle at the drone behind him but the drone teleported again and punched him in the face. Grabbing its arm, N tore it off, lunging to claw its face off. The drone brought forth the solver and let down a cascade of debris. Slicing and kicking away the rocks and gravel, N saw V1 tossing a coin at him. V1 nodded before engaging with the insurrectionists, and N knew what he had to do. Quickly pulling out his railgun, he fired it at the coin.

His aim was true.



The solver drone staggered, looking at the hole in its body. It then smiled, yellow eyes glinting.

"Hate it when you guys do that," V spoke, beheading the drone from behind. The headless drone staggered, pointing at the sky.

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