The Shadow

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Red and friends had left the safety and comfort of Hyrule. They are traveling through many small villages into the unknown beyond. As they travel, Blue becomes more irritated and displeasure is exerting from his mouth.

"When will we go there? I'm tired of walking!" He spats at the other two.

Vio interjects with his own response, "Blue, patience is a valuable trait. Please wait a little for I have a feeling we've may found our first checkpoint of our mission."

He points to an elegant gate surrounded by black roses. "There lays the gate to the Earth Kingdom where we may get some knowledge." Vio smiles confidently.

"All right then! We go onward, to victory my friends!" Red shouts optimistically and then proceeds to run.

Then, something trips Red, which makes him flat on his face.

"That hurt!" He sees a mysterious shadow and it was gone when he blinked. "What was that?"

Vio and Blue come over to help Red up and then once more. The shadow pushes the boys down on Red and then fades while softy snickering.

"Ok! This is getting ridiculous." Blue snaps.

The trio gets up and then enters through the gate.

Red asks, "What is the Earth Kingdom, Vio?"

Vio takes out his little atlas and answers, "The Earth Kingdom is a country surrounded by large crystals, one of the few natural beauties it possesses. It is famous for its intellectual culture, fertile land, and its native flower, the Nightshade that is those roses that covers all over the gate we just entered. Its nation's color is violet and ironically their ruler is named Violet."

Red then comments cheerfully, "Wow, that's amazing Vio."

Blue then abruptly shouts, "Can we get this over with? This place is boring!"

Just then, a stranger is seen running away in terror and crashes into them.

"Hey, watch where you are going!" Blue snaps.

The person is a man and the expression on his face is of great fright.

Vio asks, "What are you running from?"

The man's face grows much more fearful when he asks this. The man utters, "Beware the s-shadow. I-it will get you. Run, while you still can!" He flees fast in fear.

The heroes are befuddled of what that person answered.

"Beware the shadow? What could that possibly mean?" Vio asks questioningly.

"I don't know but whatever this shadow is, we will beat it." Red shouts out confidently.

The threesome soon makes their way into the market place. There are many shops, fruit stands and even a few performers displaying wonderful magic and alluring dancing. Vio becomes intrigued by an old antique shop. Something about it, it feels like to him has air of mystery and suspicion. Therefore, they decide to visit there first. When they enter the antique shop, a small purplish kitten with a bang covering one of its eyes appears. It has a bitter scowl on its face and emits a small hiss.

"Aw, it's so cute!" Red complements and goes to pick it up.

The kitty responds with a swipe at Red's hand with it is small yet sharp claws and hisses once more.

"Yikes, that's not nice and are kitties normally that shade of violet?" He asks once he had a better gander at the kitty.

Vio steps forwards and looks at the kitten. His light faded blue orbs met with crimson ones. "You must be the owner, am I correct?" He smiles a little after his deduction.

"You're correct and next time tell you friend over there to back off." The kitten sounding a little miffed.

"What the hell? Cats can't talk, it's not natural!" Blue accusingly pointed his finger at the purple kitty.

"Well excuse me idiot for being like this. However, you are right in saying that I am not your normal breed of cat. In fact, I am not a cat. I am the owner and a sorcerer. My name is Vaati."

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