The Music Boxes' Story

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Gale looks at the stained glass fresco in her throne room. It depicted a maiden of black surrounded by violet roses and blood stained thorns. Raven feathers go along the spiked borderline. The maiden had a white heart in her chest.

"Long time ago, a maiden was born under light and darkness. She may have had an appearance of a raven; she also possessed a heart of a swan. The maiden had lost her heart, her life would never truly be at peace the maiden took a vow to serve her twin who died, now she is a captive to a beast of inhumanity. She will still keep her vow even if she must kill those she had held dear. She is no longer royalty, only showing great loyalty to her master. Each day, her heart would beat faster and she suffers more pain. The maiden whose heart is gone looks towards the dawn. Her memories are only mere fantasies now. She will keep her vow for now and until her dying breath. At least, she'll be reborn along with her twin and her real life will begin when the ocarina plays once more."

Gale recites as her eyes begin to swell. Dark comes in the room with the unconscious Red in his arms.

He notices his master crying, "Master is there something wrong?" He asks worryingly.

"Yes, you remember the story? You know the one of darkness whose heart is pure light." She answers softly with tears in her eyes.

"Yes, lets us not recollect that fable, it's pretty contradicting for a shadow to have such innocence. It's like having a hero made of darkness; it cannot be done without fatalities towards themselves." He then places Red on a pillow in front of Gale.

"Dark, I would to have my music box...please?" The servant nods and leaves.

He comes back quickly holding a tiny little windmill. It was a light blue with violet and white accents and a golden borderline around. It also has small rubies in the gold and a beautiful one in the middle of the windmill. He carries it over carefully and places it into Gale's small hands. She turns the gear key and the windmill starts to play a sorrowful melody.

Red slowly awakens to the sound of it. "Where am I?" Reds gaze turns to the small girl and her servant. "I know you; you're that creature that took me away." He points accusingly at Dark. "I bet you're the one causing all the trouble, aren't you?"

Gale steps forward in a defensive position. "No, he is not. He would never hurt anyone. So, please forgive him if he hurt you."

Red looks at Gale with curiosity abound. "Who are you? You look like Vaati except you have blue eyes and you're a girl."

Dark slaps him. "Oh my god, are you really that ignorant? That is no way to talk to Madame Gale!"

Reds eyes widen in shock. He apologizes quickly, "I did not know, I'm sorry Gale."

Gale then softens her expression, "It is ok, and it was I who asked Dark to bring you here. As you can see, I am very lonely. When I saw you, my heart started to beat uncontrollably and I wanted someone to be with besides Dark. Sorry if I was too harsh." She gently curtsies.

Dark blushes silently, "Please forgive me, I did not mean to scare you. It is just she is so lonely and when I saw her looking at you, I knew she wanted to have you."

Red looks at Gale holding her music box windmill and listens to it. "What a pretty song, it is sad yet placid."

Gale nods in agreement, "Yes, it has a story behind it, one of loneliness and sadness." She closes her eyes and breathes deeply in and out.

"Long time ago in a land faraway, lived a small family. There was a mother, a father, and a daughter, they were so happy. They were special...because they knew magic. The family used their magic to make miracles happen.

Soon, the family went to live in the Earth Kingdom and life there was wonderful. The father and mother worked at an old shop for magical items. Their daughter studied various things including nature. The daughter one day placed a spell on a flower. The flower turned black and started to spread all over. These flowers were as black as night and preferred the shade. They created a child, a shadow. The shadow caused much trouble for the whole kingdom. The ruler blamed this on the girls' parents. They took them from her.

Soon, they sentenced to death by execution and the girl became sad. She wanted to tell the truth, but her father did not want her dying. Before they died, the mother left her daughter with a small windmill. The windmill would remind her of the past when she was sad. The day of the execution came and she said goodbye to her parents.

No longer able to show herself, the daughter went into hiding with the shadow. The shadow had a twin who was the culprit. Soon, everyone in this Kingdom forgets about the daughter and recalls the shadow. The flowers of black night still linger and taint the world with their curse. So, says the shadow whose twin is the culprit."

Red sheds tear silently in guilt; he now knows that the shadow is out there still. He now fears that it will kill his friends. "So, the shadow twins were completely opposite to each other?"

Gale opens her eyes and nods. "That means there is another one causing trouble."

Dark speaks up, "Yes and he will not stop until he has what he wants."

Red asks, "What does he want?"

Dark sighs, "He wants...Gale."

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