The Water Kingdom's Temper

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After spending a few days with Violet, Red and his friends head off to yet another place. They walk for days on end, Blue complains a lot throughout this journey. Soon they come across a kingdom that is surrounded by water.

Blue asks, "What's with this place?"

Vio pulls out his mini atlas and reads it, "This is the Water Kingdom, it inhabits within a lake that leads to the ocean. It's known for producing beautiful dancers that intoxicate the world with their grace and calm personality. Its princess is however really hot -headed like somebody I know."

Blue gets pissed and starts to chase Vio into the kingdom as Red follows hurryingly. The group keeps running until there are stopped by a bunch of guards and their captain.

The captain wears a blue tunic covered in silver armor. He has a cap that matches the tunic and a teardrop shaped sapphire rests around his neck.

"Halt, these grounds are not for running like morons. Please reframe from this action now!"

Blue stops and Vio sighs in relief.

Red asks calmly, "Do you know where we could meet the princess? We were told she could help us a little."

The captain answers, "Yes, she's in the palace but what thinks you're allowed to see her without an appointment. Besides.....she gets really pissed when we let unknown people here." He shivers in horror of the thought.

Red steps forward and introduces the group, "I'm Red and these two are my friends: Vio and Blue. We were hoping to meet with your princess. We spoke with Princess Violet..."

The captain freaks out nervously, "Oh my god! I'm so sorry; I didn't know you knew Princess Violet!" He leads the trio in while he trembles with fear thinking, "Please for the love of god, please don't be mad Sapphire."

He gulps as they slowly walk through a placid corridor that leads to a very elaborately designed door.

The captain opens the door carefully, "'ve guests..."

He leads them in to see a girl around the age of 15-16. Her hair is goldenrod that's in two pigtails held by blue ribbons. She's wearing a sky blue dress with dark blue on the bottom. Around the white collar is a beautiful sapphire brooch clinching a blue ribbon. She holds a wonderfully crafted mallet with lovely details.

The girl is smacking the living hell out of two convicts with her mallet, "Who the hell do you think you are? How dare you two bastards think you can get away with your heinous crime?" She curses viciously as she continues to beat the living hell out of them.

The captain tries to cover up the scene from the heroes, "Please completely ignore this until...." The sound of a powerful smash and two screaming people interrupts him.

The convicts are dragged away by a guard and the girl turns to see the captain, "Luke, why are you here...when I clearly told you to guard the gate!" She shouts angrily and readies her mallet.

Luke quickly kneels and begs for mercy, "Please Princess Sapphire, forgive me! You have guests and I lead them here! They know .....Princess Violet."

Sapphire glances at the threesome curiously, "Who are they?"

Luke shaking in fear stands up and introduces them, "The boy in red is Red, the one in purple is Vio and the last one is Blue."

Red smiles cheerfully, "It's nice to meet you Princess."

Sapphire blushes vividly, "Yeah, nice to meet you...too. I'm Princess Sapphire."

Vio bows respectfully, "I am Vio; it's an honor to meet you." Blue smirks confidently, "And I'm Blue!"

Sapphire slightly curtsies and then turns her attention back at Luke, "Why wasn't I informed that we have guests earlier!" Her voice echoes and causes a slight earthquake.

The captain then goes back to bowing on his knees, "Please forgive me Princess! If I knew about them coming earlier, I would've told you as soon as I heard!" He shivers as she looms over him.

Sapphire sighs tiresomely, "I forgive you. But, please stop with the cowardly routine. It gets annoying!"

Luke nods and stands up with a little courage. "Yes Princess Sapphire!"

He salutes and her gaze slowly sets on Red.

She slightly blushes once more before Vio gets chucked by Blue in rage and she gets hit hard.

Luke freaks out, "What have you done! We're all going to die!"

Sapphire smirks and gets up rubbing her cheek, "You want a fight! Then you got one!" She pulls out her mallet and lunges at Blue furiously. Then, the twosome's brawl escalates into an all out brawl.

Luke covers Red and Vio's eyes, "I think we should leave....quick!" He runs with them into the other room while Blue is getting his butt whooped.

This fight continues for hours on end. There's much screaming and pain, both of them keep fighting viciously.

Hours pass by, eventually all the noise stops and the others peer through a door in curiosity. Sapphire pants heavily as she stands on top of Blue in victory.

Luke silently sighs to himself, "I swear she's scarier than half the world's monsters. Hopefully, I don't have to be involved with such brutality."

Sapphire smiles in pleasure, "I won, you're good but you can't beat me!" Blue moans and grumbles something nasty. "Since I won, you guys have to stay here for one night!"

Luke's shocked to hear this and the other two just shrug.

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