Morning Pains

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The sun rises gently and shines through a lovely window; carefully its delicate rays touch Red's sweet sleeping face. He twitches slightly as he wakes up when the sound of birds start to chirp away into his elfin ears. He lets out a gentle yawn and stretches slowly, working out the kinks in his muscles. Red yawns once more as he comments to himself, "It so peaceful this morning."

He gets out of bed, feeling the strangest sensation in his legs, tingling without any sign of stopping. Then, his head starts to hurt like a bullet has been shot through it.

"Ouch, my head...why does it hurt so bad...?" The young hero asks himself as he rubs his head, in an attempt to soothe the pain.

Suddenly a voice screeches loudly outside of Red's bedroom, causing the young boy's headache to progress more severely.

"What do you mean Mother has vanished?" The hero rushes out of his sleeping quarters to see the commotion. Igneous looks at a servant with a worried expression, he starts pacing around and again asks the servant nervously, "What happen? Where is my mother? How could this happen?"

The servant stares awkwardly at the prince and answers in the same fashion, "I really, really don't know sire! All I do know is that her highness hasn't been seen since last night."

His highness stares in great disbelief at the man's response.

He turns around to see Red rubbing his head, curious he asks, "Red, did you hear anything last night?"

The young hero shakes his head slightly as he continues to cope with his headache.

"Well, last night my mother had...disappeared and I dare say no one has any idea of where she might be." Igneous explains as he starts to pace nervously again.

The boy gasps slightly while rubbing his head, "That's horrible!"

The prince again responds as he paces fast, "I know and the weird thing happened without a fuss or something of the sort..." He sighs tiresomely and stops walking. "Well, I think we should look into this more." Red nods gently as to not cause himself any more pain.

Then, a door opens with the blue hero drowsily yawning and grumbling, "Damn, can a guy get any sleep? It's freaking 7:00 in the morning!" He stretches tiresomely as he yawns loudly.

Igneous comments under his breath with a small chuckle, "He's definitely not a morning person."

The hothead glares at his highness and snaps nastily, "You want your ass kicked? Because, which I can easily arrange it!"

Blue points his finger judgingly at the prince, who is now completely blowing him off.

Igneous stretches comfortably while responding without malice, "Oh, I've forgotten that it's breakfast already. Maybe we should get some before launching a full-blown investigation."

Then he walks down the hallway while ignoring Blue's rampage of insults and swears with a carefree smile.

The ruckus then incurs to bring a sleepy Vio to come out of his chambers and scold his friend bitterly, "What the bloody hell are you yelling for at freaking 7:00 in the morning! If I don't get a decent slumber, things will happen and they'll be horrible!" He storms silently back into his room while his temperamental companion is in shock and awe of what just occurred.

Then, Blue stomps madly back into his bedroom, with little Red looking worryingly at him. The young hero rubs his head as he too, returns into his quarters to change. After a few minutes, Red leaves his room all dressed and heads down the corridor where Igneous is eating calmly.

The prince looks up to see his guest sits down on a chair across from him and smiles slightly, "Ah, I see at least someone came to breakfast. Then again, I'm guessing your friends aren't used to getting up so early." He snickers childishly as he dines on some eggs and bacon.

The little child chuckles slightly too as he starts to eat the meal in front of him.

Igneous begins to question Red as he eats, "So, where were you last night, just out of certain curiosity."

The hero responds after taking a bite out of a waffle, "The guest bedroom...that's pretty much all I remember from last night."

The prince nods calmly, "I see and one more long have you had a headache? Because the way you make it sound, it's really bad."

The young boy shrugs and simply answers, "I really don't started this morning."

Then once again, the sharp pain torments

Red, he lets out a slightly painful cry. "Ouch, it hurts so much!"

Igneous suggests as his guest suffers, "You should get some rest. In fact, one of my servants could take you back to your room, so you can get some rest."

The young hero nods back as one of the servants comes and takes him back.

Once Red leaves, Igneous signals a guard and whispers, "Please make sure everyone is questioned, also insure me that our guests are safe..."

The guard nods silently and answers in a low voice, "Yes sire but I must inform that...another one has disappeared..."

His highness sighs, "Who was it?"

"One of the maids' milord..." The guard bows lowly as he sees his sire's grief grow.

His highness sighs, "It seems that even I can't do anything about these disappearances..."

He glances slightly towards a portrait of him, his mother, and a young girl. "I've lost everything I loved, first my sister and now, my mother..." Then he leaves his chair, with another sigh, he asks, "Guard, I wish to be alone..."

The protector nods and leaves Igneous. His highness begins once again pace while he thinks.

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