Servant of the Specter

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As the hungry group re-enters the throne room, Queen Ruby awaits them with a kind smile. She asks them with a little worry in her voice, "Did you find anything out about of the...occurrences."

Igneous sighs sadly as he answers in a low tone, "No mother, we've nothing to show you yet but we'll try again tomorrow..."

Ruby responds simply with a slight giggle, "Oh well, I see you boys are famished. We'll going to have dinner soon."

Blue happily exclaims, "Oh yeah, I'm going eat so much!"

Vio scoffs with a slight smirk, "Yeah and make yourself look even more like a monster." Then the two start to fight playfully and the prince sighs once more as he tries to quickly intervene.

Red's gaze turns to the queen, who joins in the horse play.

A small sinister grin slowly creeps upon his childish face. He mentally comments in a sadistic fashion, "Ah, even if she's playing around like an idiot, Ruby's as lovely as I remember." He quietly chuckles to himself as the group continues to make fools out of themselves.

After several minutes, they're now heading into the dining room where a feast awaits.

Queen Ruby giggles happily, "Enjoy the food, there's plenty for everyone."

Red responds with a respectful gesture, "Thank you your highness. It's an honor to dine with royalty." Then he bows slowly so no one suspects him of anything but being polite.

Her highness giggles more, "Oh you don't have to be that formal with me but the thought is nice."

Everyone takes their seats and begin to eat the food in front of them. Blue healthily devoirs his meal as Vio tries to calmly feast, though he gives his companion a look of disgust as he continues to ravenously ingest the food.

Igneous nervously laughs a little while eating and the queen cheerfully comments, "He has quite the healthy appetite."

Red dines silently, ignoring everyone around except for Ruby, eyeing her with hidden lust. He quietly thinks to himself, "It's a terrible shame that she has to deal with such lowly pests. Then again, I've possessed this one but at least this one's useful."

Vio's voice interrupts his train of thought.

The purple hero questions, "So, could you please inform us more about how this started? It'd be useful to know at least something more of these occurrences..." His eyes lock solely on Ruby as she sighs slightly.

Her highness slowly starts to explain herself, "Well, as I said before, these disappearances have been going on for a while now since one of my trusted advisors had perished..."

The elder hero urges her to continue her story silently with a simple glance from his pale mauve-blue eyes.

"The advisor who had died before the occurrences started was a very lonely man. Some called him rather sadistic, he did like people to suffer but, he'd never do anything to harm anyone physically. He went by the name of...Vladimir..."

Igneous abruptly points out, "Vladimir was a madman Mother! He had done things most unspeakable to the innocent!"

The queen rises her hand and silences her son, "Igneous, don't makeup such stories about Vladimir!"

The prince takes the hint and backs down. Ruby sighs tiresomely as she continues her story, "Anyways, Vladimir was a good person despite his flaw. He cared deeply for others; he even stood by my side husband...disappeared."

The two heroes gasp in unison while Red sighs sadly and responds in an apologetic tone, "Oh my, I'm...terribly sorry for your loss..."

He bows his head slightly in a mourning fashion. He hides a sinister smirk and silently comments to himself, "I pity the poor bastard but he was in my way."

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