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Vaati walks along a lonesome path, nothing but rubble and old ruins; he groans bitterly. "Not only I've had my ass handed to me by those fools for the 69th time, I've gotten lost; can my life get any fucking worse?" He curses angrily, firing an electrifying lightning bolt at some worn stone; only to find a strange figure laying there.

"Oh my god, what IS that?" The deathly pale mage goes for a closer look, to find it's a young woman dressed in a simplistic gown of black and white with a touch of scarlet. Her hair as ebony as a raven's dark feathers, skin almost as pure as snow; this strangely familiar maiden sleeps unconsciously. He kneels beside her, probably out some sort of pity after all; he has a freaking addiction to the ladies.

"Such a pretty little thing, maybe she's dead; such a shame..." He murmurs lowly, out of some vague urge; he begins to stroke her seemingly lifeless cheek. Only to find that, once still eye lids begin to open gradually; revealing a rather dull color of crimson. The unusually mundane looking lady stares at him blankly, not even uttering a word; thus startling the wind sorcerer all at once.

"Where...am I?" She sits up and starts to glance around curiously, "Hello...?" She then turns her eerie attention towards the man before her, "Sorry..." She murmurs in a monotone voice, not knowing of anything more but this; she has frightened some poor person.

Vaati just gazes at her, getting over the initial shock of her awakening; possibly thinking of something. Then just like that, he gets an idea; "Oh don't be sorry, it's just I was so overtaken by your otherworldly beauty; I couldn't handle it." He pulls the same sort of gambit as he did to Emerald, though not for the same purpose; "Need some help?"

He offers his rather flimsy hand to her, who shyly grasps it with her own; "Thank you..."

After helping her up, he asks out of natural curiosity; "You look rather familiar, have we met somewhere before; miss...?"

His question irks this peculiar person, who answers with a timid tone; "I...don't....think so, I can't...hardly remember...anything; at...all..." She stumbles over, accidentally falling into his arms; blushing mildly when her dreary eyes meet with his lively ones.

A mysterious warm feeling enters into her somewhat cold body, causing to the ends of her plain lips to slightly curve up; giving a petite smile. "You're much more desirable up close, and those lips; surely we've met before my dear..." The seductive wizard compliments her, causing the withdrawn girl to blush more vividly; "I must know, your name; care tell it me if you can recollect it?"

He inquires some more, she simply replies with that bashful smile; "Matilda, it's...Matilda..."

He chuckles charmingly, "Matilda, what a lovely name; for such a lovely maiden."

Matilda questions with a shy glance, "Thank you...and your name...?"

The attractive man holding her up responds, with smirk; "Vaati, and I must say; you're an absolute vision." He keeps her in his strong grasp, standing a bit before; picking her up bridal style.

"Want to stay with me?" He asks her with glimmer in his visible eye. She's quiet for the moment, "Well...I don't...seem to...have a place...to stay..." The rather plain young woman worries slightly, "Alas, I don't...wish to be...a bother...are you sure...?"

He laughs a bit crazily at her obliviously cute comment, "You're not a bother at all!" She whispers softly, "I'm...eternally grateful...to you...kind sir..."

With that, they head off; to who knows where.

"Sister, have a wonderful life..." A voice unheard echoes faintly from far away.

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