Gone with the Wind

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Within the bedroom of the fair princess, Emerald sits on the edge of her plush bed; sighs in a lonesome manner. Days have passed by, though her dear love gradually has become able to bond with her father; she's still unable to see him during the night. It's always early to bed after supper, usually to avoid another conflict like the one that previously occurred a few nights ago or more likely; prevent Vaati from getting any closer to her. "I wish Vaati and I, could be together forever..." She dreamily sighs, wanting said sneaky sorcerer by her side; moping in realization that he can't.

"I know father's still worried, even though he's gotten to be friends with him; he still insists that he can't be trusted..." She huffs in slight anger, knowing it's useless to get upset; nonetheless though she does. "If only I could see him, in my room; just for tonight..." The fair maiden lets her hormones gradually take over, starting to fantasize about her sweetheart in here with her; doing things most savory yet lustful. "If only I could..." She silently murmurs, rubbing her tied eyes; yawning as she crawls under the covers. Her soft emerald eyes gently close as she begins to fall asleep, allowing the temptation of slumber get to her; everything melts into the calming darkness of her mind. She finally goes into dreamland, unknowing of someone's presence in her lavish bedroom; touching her flushed cheeks with such cold hands.

"That's right, sleep away; oh dear princess..." A seductive whisper comes from an ironically vile yet familiar mouth. "You needn't to worry about your father or anything else, for I shall take you away; just like I promised..." Vaati carefully takes the sleeping noble out her bed, wraps her massive comforter around her fine figure to insure that; she doesn't hurt herself if she wakes up.

Unfortunately, his new captive wakes up to find herself in his surprisingly strong arms; also unable to break free. "Vaati, what's the meaning of this...?" She asks innocently, wanting the truth; not some false justification for the seemingly strange incident that's going on here.

"Why am I wrapped up like this?" She tries to wiggle out of the plush cocoon, finding it difficult in doing so.

"Oh Emerald, I'll explain everything later; now back to sleep darling..." The sly mage's petty answer doesn't satisfy the kind girl's annoying curiosity, she doesn't want to rest; not until she gets a good reason.

"I don't want to, though I trust your word for honesty's sake; I just want to know...why?" She replies with a worrisome look, unable to concede with her lover's hidden intentions.

"Ah I see, well I can't really explain it right now; forgive me..." The wind wizard soothingly caresses her face, whispering something into her elfin ears; keeping a close grasp on her. "You're feeling relaxed, unable to resist my voice; you'll obey my command..." He seductively gazes into his latest victim's eyes, as if casting some form of hypnotic spell; imposing his will onto poor Emerald. "Now listen to me, rest your weary eyes; don't hesitate to slumber..." His words tempt the now sleepy princess to submit, to accept the fact that she must sleep; even if it's against her will at this point. He snickers devilishly as he continues to coax her, "Close those lovely eyes even; if for a little while, just...sleep, oh darling Emerald..."

Her somnolent grace yawns softly, "So...sleepy...can't resist..." She finally obeys the seemingly suspicious sorcerer, drifts once more into that peaceful state of slumber; making it all the more easier for him to take her away.

He whispers with such venom in his calmly attractive voice, "Sweet dreams, I love you..." Vaati cackles lowly as the wind commence to swirl in the form of a cyclone, blowing ridiculously around the two; not caring for some of the objects that are knocked over in the scrawl. Within moments, the sorcerer vanishes along with his new captive; gone without a decent trace to be found.

With the morning, a sense of dread lingers in the palace; the king's in sheer shock to see his daughter has disappeared. "How could this be? I made thoroughly sure that she was safe, even tripled security for farore's sake; how could my precious jewel have been taken?" He stresses immensely, causing the guards to murmur inconsiderably amongst themselves; all of them having the same painful concern. "Oh why, why take her; she didn't do anything wrong!" He morns like any over-bearing parent would, if not; more than the average one anyways.

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