Blackthorn Barricades

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Red ,Vio and Blue; have reached the base of the Dragon Kingdom's mountainous entry pass due to King Auria and Princess Emerald having sent there through a warping tornado spell. "Ok, this is it; we go in and save that girl..." The small main character firmly states the primary objective, his light scarlet eyes gaze upon the fearsome palace on top of this treacherous mountain range; his intentions belie within that horrible place.

For like the fourth time in this fic, Vio pulls out his handy mini atlas/info guide; "The Dragon Kingdom's infamous for its strong defenses, massive offenses; as well as the dragons here are able to smash the fuck out of anything. Also, this particular route is referred to as; Blackthorn Valley; due to the coloration and shape of certain parts of this place resembling ebony thorns..." The smartest out of the trio quickly puts his book away, so it doesn't get in the way.

Blue smirks with much confidence, "This is going to be easy, there isn't a fucking monster alive we can't defeat; BRING IT ON!" He cracks his bony knuckles, ready to take on anything and everything before him; clueless yet eager to have a go at this. "Right then, guys; let's do this!" The smallest hero leads his team into the dangerous trail.

As they head upwards, Rowling from afar observes them along with many fellow comrades; "Squad 1, prepare to engage plan A; NOW!" The ebony dragon orders a small group of dragons to go; they fly overhead to their targets, immediately dive bombing them. Already having to confront some enemies, the valiant threesome bravely attacks the fowl beasts; slashing with finely sharp blades. Slash, cling-clang; a few of the many sounds of fighting that blare mightily in the smoggy air as the young lad in red and co savagely assault their predators. One by one, these small miserable beasts fall prey to the silvery blades; becoming corpses instantly as soon as fatalities occur. Within minutes, squad 1 has been entirely wiped out; thus allow the courageous protagonists to forge onward to the fortress where their goal resides at the moment.

"Quickly, Squad 2; ready the rock slide...NOW!" The blue eyed captain orders his underlings fiercely, causing them to hastily position themselves near some massive boulders; waiting for them to come so they may crush them brutally.

Within seconds, giant rocks begin to fall; "Oh my fucking goddesses, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES DAMN IT!" Blue manages to hustle both of his co-workers to safety while flipping out like an asshole. "MOVE IT, we'll be crushed like freaking ants if we don't FUCKING MOVE IT!" His continual cussing is rude, alas though; he's right and the other two keep on fleeing from the colossal metamorphic stones which seem to be chasing them.

After several minutes of unflattering swearing and fleeing in terror, the small troupe finds a small crevice to squeeze themselves into; avoiding these boulders safely as they go by.

"How long are we going to be here, it's counterproductive to stay in one spot; Blue!" Vio pessimistically comments, with some good logic in the background of it; he can't stand tight spaces for too long.

"As long as those fucking rocks are rolling, we're staying!" The highly irritable hero points out, knowing there's still some big ones rolling on. As they wait out the harsh rock-falls' continuous rampage, Red thinks about that girl; the one he's trying to rescue.

"Don't worry; we're coming, just sit tight..." He looks up from where he's sitting, gazing up the tiny crevice above; that lets in little light from the surface. His scarlet eyes keep on staring skyward, in deep wonder; how is that girl doing he wonders so.

As that is occurring, back at the palace; the final touches are being made. Len already ordering many of his reptilian servants to get things ready; is a tad tired, he hasn't realized that his plan's on the verge of going south.

Matilda glares coldly from afar with still lifeless crimson eyes, tending to her duties in painful silence; just waiting to freaking punch the son of the bitch in the face. "He...lied...for all this time...he lied..." These words echo restlessly without stopping in her disoriented mind, she keeps quiet though; not wanting anyone to know yet.

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