The Final Battle

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"Who DARES to INTERFERE?" Len bellows nastily as he glares in the direction of the righteous heroes, he hisses bitterly; "So, the little knight in red has finally come; excellent. Now, you can feel my wrath; FIRST HAND!" The beastly dragon prince breathes deadly fire that blazes so brightly, with quick thinking on their part; the trio splits up in three ways while narrowing escaping the frightful blast.

Red glares hatefully as he runs rapidly, he whips out his silvery blade; then makes a brave attempt to slash at Lynstrum's massive feet. "Take this and THAT!" He shouts in frustration, though his meager attacks don't seem to be doing much; it's a mere irritation to his ghastly foe.

The young lad gains the attention of said monstrous dragon, who simply releases more of his fiery flames from that enormous gullet of his; "BURN IN HELL WEAKLING!"

Blue thankfully grabs his small teammate just in time; they jump back swiftly, only for Len to find himself burning his own foot.

He howls deafeningly as he puts out his own mistakes, "FUCK, YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY THAT EASILY!" With that, the fearsome demon gives chase; relentlessly pursuing his most hated target and that prey's teammate. He attempts to crush them with those huge claws of his, missing a few times due to the two heroes being a bit faster than the bulky beast; though in the end he does successfully send Blue flying to the wall with one fowl swipe. An arrow suddenly burrows itself in his neck, causing the bloody bastard to snap his gaze to Vio; who's currently firing yet another one.

"Come over here, I'm right here; YOU DIMWITTED OAF!" The crafty archer tauntingly calls Len out, prior to firing yet; another arrow that's aimed right between that jerk's orange golden eyes. He manages to get said hazardous heathen to, come charging straight for him; all a distraction to keep his little friend safe for now.

The young man in violet begins to run while continuing to fire ammo at Lynstrum, who's fucking mad as hell; "Try and catch me, you overgrown lizard!" He chuckles slightly, only further agitating his fierce predator more; knowing that he'll need to keep this up for a while. As for the smallest of the heroes, he's about to head for his fallen comrade when he hears the shrill cries for help; which come from the giant flaming circle.

Princess Rose beckons noisily from within said burning ring, "HELP, someone get us out of this thing; HELP!" She strains her voice a little in doing so, the petite girl then once again; returns her worrisome attention to the practically dying Matilda.

"Hold on, I'm coming!" She hears an unfamiliar voice, causing the princess to search frantically around with ruby red eyes; seeing nothing but seething spires of deadly fire all around her.

"Hello, who is that; HELP!" She keeps on looking, all the while; not daring to even leave the suffering maid. As she glances around in sheer panic and confusion, her sickly friend's life force gradually yet progressively dwindles with each passing moment; slowly drawing ever so closer to a painfully inevitable outcome.

Red finds himself confronting a great wall of towering flames, knowing someone is indeed on the other side; he desperately pulls out his fire-ice wand. "Stay still whoever you are, I got this; ICE ROD!" His magically rod releases a refreshing blast of freezing ice, which when it collides with the formidable fiery blockade; melts and ultimately smothers a part of the wall out completely thus creating an opening.

He doesn't look as he shouts out, "Come over here, if you want to get out of here!"

Rose snaps her attention quickly to the small knight in red, with one swift motion; she drags her unconscious companion as fast as she can. It takes a few minutes but, she manages to reach said opening where; Red waits as he continues to use his rod to insure the opening doesn't close. "Thanks but, I need more assistance; could you help me carry my friend here?" She asks with a tense face, as she tries to further drag Matilda out of the ring: "She's in terrible pain and hasn't woken up yet..."

The main character gazes upon the bride in white, recognizing instantly as; the girl who got kidnapped. This doesn't last long when said girl urges him to aid her, which he does while still having this strangely dazed look about him; he then assists with carrying her limp pal. These two make their way safely, somehow avoiding being seen by Len; who's still distracted by Vio's little taunt and shoot routine. After finding a corner to place the slumbering servant, Red turns his sights to Rose; blushing slightly at the cute noble. The tiny damsel notices that the colorless aura still flows from her friend, who's practically on the verge of death; she starts to cry a little.

The young knight asks in slight wonder, "Who are you?" He tries to remedy her salty tears, his fingers wipe away the small droplets; "Don't cry..." He murmurs softly.

The princess looks at him with a strange gaze, worry lingers within her deeply; "Rose, Princess Rose of the Fire Kingdom. Stranger, you must listen to me; I've a request of you..."

She glances toward the young maiden in ebony with such a sorrowful gaze; "My friend here, has been suffering greatly because of Len..."

She points to the terrifying beast, who's being hit repetitively by sharp arrows; "That monster has kept us both prisoners, I beg you please; defeat him...before it's too late..."

The hero in red nods in agreement, accepting without a sound; he's off to face the monstrous beast with a silvery blade in hand. From this point on, the heroes fight bravely; attempting to take down Lynstrum. Alas though, the vile prince seems to possess the upper hand; for in a few moments something dreadful shall occur. As each second feels like an hour, this battle gets gorier and bloodier; Blue takes a severe hit for Vio which sends flying into the cold stone wall. He's bleeding heavily for a brief moment, only for one of the healing fairies to restore his health; thus the start of a ridiculous cycle which goes on for the next few hours. Red makes a brave attempt later on, he charges straight for the hideous creature; not caring that he's risking death over this. Vio once again, distracts Len for a moment; this time getting flung out of the way in a harsh manner.

"Such pitiful attacks, all of you; are quite PATHETIC!" The tyrannical demon laughs manically, not realizing too quickly of what's about to happen; the small soldier thrusts his coveted sword into the amulet that hangs around Lynstrum's neck. Only to be slapped away from it, Red is slammed into another part of the wall; with the dragon prince beaming for his triumph nears.

"This jewel is no longer of use to me, for now is the time that; I SHALL BECOME IMMORTAL!" Len proclaims vilely, shattering his own trinket hastily. This cues the sound of the final toll, the bell rings without remorse; as a bright light radiates from Matilda's body. The suffering maid awakens just in time for her own death, feeling already extremely drained; her life is literally flashing before her dull crimson eyes. This precious light progressively flees from its original owner, shimmering beautifully before all to see; much to Princess Rose's horror and Prince Len's delight.

All hope seems lost, or so it seems...

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