The Cursed Sorcerer

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The trio stare at Vaati in disbelief and all they are thinking is, "How did Vaati, a wind sorcerer who was bad get here and become a cat?"

Vaati squinting his reddish crimson eyes in suspicion, "What the bloody hell are you're staring like that for? Is there something in my teeth?" He picks at his tiny teeth with a claw.

The threesome shook their heads.

"Well, come on spit it out." He hisses impatiently.

Red answers in fear, "Well, we're staring at you because you are..."

Blue abruptly interjects, "A cat! A freaking talking cat and you used to be evil! How the hell did you become an f...?"

His swearing stops because Vio is covering his mouth, "Sorry, he's an idiot a lot."

Vaati licks his fur while this was happening. He stops and speaks, "I'll explain if your friend doesn't interrupt with more cussing. It is barbaric and this is not the time vulgar language." He hisses at Blue seeing he is still trying to yell.

"Blue, could you please stop for me?" Red asks with a cute expression his face.

Blue stops as soon Red asks and calms down very quickly. Vio then proceeds to let of Blue's lips. He murmurs, "Please tell us."

Vaati has a sense of satisfaction on his face, "I shall and thank you for obeying."

Blue wants to kick that cat's butt but he stops himself before he does.

"I am no longer a threat to you, though I do have a small grudge. That's not the point; you want to know why I am a little kitten?"

The trio nods in unison.

"Well here's how it happened: I moved here a couple years after you people beat me and turned over a new leaf. Since then I have been selling magical items like magical pendants, potions, elixirs, spell books and charms. I had a good income with many people buying these things. That was... until it came..."

He pauses and there is an awkward silence until Vio speaks up.

"And what was it and what changed that day?" He questions the cat. Vaati is about to talk when he painfully hocks up a fur ball.

"Oh my, sorry about that, it happens a lot."

Blue looks at the ball in disgust. "That's just gross!"

Vio scolds him, "Blue it's rude to point out the obvious."

Vaati coughs a little before speaking again.

"Anyways, everything changed appeared. I remember as if it was yesterday. It was a cold autumn day; the wind was bitter and unforgiving. The whole town seemed uneasy because of it. I was working as always when it came through my doors.

I could not make out whom it was; the only feature I know was it had glowing red eyes. The eyes of a....demon and they had a look of bloodlust within. I asked what it wanted; it would not answer me at all. Before I knew it, it was right in front of me. Staring at me with those cursed eyes and it bared a fang-ridden smile. I felt weak as it touched me with its cold-clawed hands. I wanted it to leave me but it just kept holding me tighter. Soon, I blacked-out after it whispered something in my ears. Then, when came to, I was now a cat."

The heroes are now in shock at the sorcerer's story.

The way he makes it sound, it is like if he is....cursed.

"We just a man running away from the town when first arrived, he said beware of the shadow. Maybe the shadow might've been the culprit." Red finally contributes.

"You know what, may be correct my young lad." The cat remarks cunningly. "It was after that day, all the chaos started and people began to flee from the Earth kingdom. It's highly likely that "shadow" could be behind it all."

In this moment, everyone clearly knows and agrees silently. Our heroes leave the cat, only Red glances back to see that Vaati is gone without a trace.

"What's going on?" He worries heading out.

A figure stands on top of the clock tower, observing the threesome.

It whispers, "If only they knew, he-he-he. They look than that sorcerer I cursed. I think it is about time I play my little game, see you soon heroes. I'll be waiting, he-he-he."

Then it vanishes along with the wind.

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