14. Chicago

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It was the day of the big performance for DJ Khalid. Beca was picked and everyone was so proud of her. Chloe was going to talk to Chicago straight after the show and tell him she was taken and that she was sorry if he got the wrong idea.
It was an eventful day. The Bellas got kidnapped by Amy's dad and Beca and Amy had to rescue them. But they were all okay and got back on time to see Beca sing.
"Chlo I'm nervous." Beca was shaking, she had never performed solo.
"Beca look at me. You're incredible okay? You have an amazing voice and an amazing stage presence and Khalid wouldn't have picked you if he thought different. You're going to do so well. I love you." Chloe kissed Beca before she walked on stage and then went to find her own seat.
A bit through the performance, Beca pulled all the Bellas on stage. They sang together and everyone loved it. As soon as it was over, Chloe ran to Beca and pulled her into a hug. She could see the audience over Beca's shoulder and she saw Chicago give her a thumbs up and motion for her to meet him backstage. When they all exited the stage, Chloe walked over to Chicago. She was going to tell him now that she wasn't available.
"Chicago hey" she walked to him.
Before she could say anything, he dipped her and started kissing her. She was stunned and just stayed there, he was a big man and she couldn't exactly push him off.
What Chloe didn't see was that Beca followed her. Beca was now watching her girlfriend kiss the guy that she said there was nothing to worry about. Beca just stood there.
When Chicago pulled Chloe back up she pulled away and stood back. By this stage, Beca had left to talk to Theo, her new music executive.
"Chicago what the fuck!?" Chloe screamed.
"Chloe what? We've been vibing I thought-"
"No Chicago! I have a girlfriend. Beca is my fucking girlfriend. I need to go find her. Stay away from me." Chloe walked away to find Beca. She was going to tell her what happened, they didn't need any secrets. Chicago was left there stunned.

Chloe searched everywhere for Beca. Eventually she found her talking to Theo. She ran over.
"Hey Theo! Can I talk to Beca for a sec? Thanks". Chloe pulled Beca away before Theo could answer.
"Okay here it comes." Beca thought Chloe was about to break up with her.
"Here comes what?"
"I saw you Chloe. You kissed him." Chloe's face dropped.
"No Beca no. I was coming to tell you that he kissed me. I didn't know you saw.  I pushed him off." Chloe was half shouting now, trying to get Beca to believe her.
"Really Chloe? Because from where I was standing, you were dipped and had your hands around his neck." Now Beca was shouting.
"No beca! I was trying to not fall I promise.  I didn't want to kiss him. As soon as I got him off I told him about us. I told him to leave me alone!" Chloe was crying now. Beca wasn't going to believe her anytime soon.
"Yeah whatever Chloe, sure. Can you just leave me alone right now please?" Beca walked away. Chloe stood there, speechless and crying. Then she saw Aubrey. Aubrey ran over to her.
"Chloe what's wrong?" Chloe fell to the floor.
"Chicago kissed me Aubrey.  And Beca saw. But I told him leave me alone. She doesn't believe me."
"What? Why doesn't she believe you?"
"Because she was already worried about him. What do I do aubie?" Chloe now had her head in the crook of Aubrey's neck and she couldn't control her tears. Aubrey stroked her head.
"It's okay chlo. Listen, do you want to head back to your room and I'll get Beca to go up to you so you can talk? I'll even wait outside if you want." Chloe nodded her head and started to head back to the hotel room.

A/N sorry this was so short! I didn't know what else to say without moving on to the next part which is in the next chapter! Xxx

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