17. I'll Be Waiting

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The young couple were in the taxi on the way to Beca's mom's house. Beca was confused at the messages she had seen on Chloe's phone but she didn't want to start something before seeing her mom for the first time in so long. She decided to wait until they got back home to ask Chloe about it.
Chloe was asleep on Beca's shoulder and Beca couldn't help but notice her enchanting girlfriend. She looked so adorable asleep. As Beca was looking at the older girl, she opened her eyes and looked up to Beca. Beca instantly felt like she was drowning in the blinding blue eyes. Chloe smiled, she sat up and stretched.
"Are we almost there?" Chloe peered out the window to take in the views.
"About 10 minutes baby. Almost there." Beca entwined her fingers into Chloe's and looked out her own window.

10 minutes later they were pulling up outside a house in a magnificent neighbourhood.
"Beca oh my god. This house is huge!" Chloe had never seen a house this big before.
"Yeah my mom is a head professor at a university. She lives here alone though." Neither of them could ever imagine being alone for a minute let alone forever.
"Come on, let's go." They walked up to the door and Beca took a deep breath before ringing the bell. Within 2 seconds the door flew open and Beca was engulfed into a hug. Chloe was surprised at how alike Beca was to her mom. It was like she was looking at Beca 30 years in the future.
"Beca! Oh darling I missed you so much!" Beca's mom pulled out of the hug but kept her hands on Beca's shoulders. She looked her over.
"Still as beautiful as ever darling. You look amazing."
"Thanks mom. I missed you too."
Chloe waited a moment to give the two time to say hello.
"Mom, this is my girlfriend. Chloe."
Beca's mom wrapped Chloe into a hug as well.
"Hello Chloe! I've heard so much about you dear. My Beca truly loves you, you know?" Chloe smiled at hearing this.
"Thank you Ms.Mitchell. I love Beca as well. More than anything. It's very nice to meet you I've heard a lot about you too."
"Well come in, come in! Let's get you all settled in. You're in the room up the stairs and straight at the end of the hall."
"Great thanks mom. Do you mind if we go up and unpack?"
"Of course not! I have dinner on so come down in about 15 minutes. I hope you like burgers!"
"Burgers are my favourite! Thank you Ms.Mitchell we really appreciate it."
"Oh Chloe! Call me Cindy!"
"Oh! Okay, thank you Cindy!"
The girls headed upstairs. Chloe was so happy that Beca's mom seemed to like her. Beca could tell that her mom loved Chloe already but she wasn't so sure that Chloe loved Beca anymore when she thought about those messages she had seen earlier.
"Here Chloe, your phone. You got some messages." Beca instantly regretted saying that. Now Chloe would know she looked at her phone.
"Thanks bec." Chloe looked at her phone and saw the messages. Her heart dropped. Had Beca seen these? If she did, did she think Chloe was cheating? No, she wouldn't, right? Of course Chloe wasn't cheating, her and Chicago were friends, but would Beca jump to this conclusion since she didn't know they were friends. Chloe decided to say something about it t
"Beca did you see my messages?" Beca just looked up at Chloe. She could feel the tears forming in her eyes.
"Yes chlo." She whispered and looked down to the floor. A tear fell.
"Beca, why are you crying?"
"Because I saw them Chloe. I saw, his name."
"Beca it's not what you think."
"No chloe. You know what? He shouldn't be on there okay? Not after what he put us through. No matter what it's about, you shouldn't be talking to him." Beca was now shouting and tears were streaming down her face. She couldn't understand what she did to deserve this.
"Beca listen.  It's not that. We're friends. That's it.  He felt bad about what happened so he fixed it and we've been friends since."
"Seriously Chloe?! You're friends with the guy that almost broke us up? Wow. I can't believe this. He doesn't seem to know you're friends. With those winky faces."
"Beca come on. I'm not cheating. You know I'm not cheating!" Now Chloe was crying.
"Chloe. I'm sorry. Okay? I was so excited to see my mom and for you to meet her. But I can't deal with this anymore Chloe. I can't constantly be wondering whether I'm enough for you or if you want him more. I can't do it Chloe" Beca fell to her knees and couldn't stop crying.
"Beca... you- you don't mean that. Baby please."
"Don't call me that Chloe. Please don't do that."
"Becs. Baby you don't mean any of this. I explained. We're friends."
"Don't. Call. Me. That. Chloe. Can you please go? I can't do this. I'm sorry. You should be too."
"Beca. No come on. You're not serious. I am sorry but we're just friends. Please Beca don't so this."
"I'm not doing it Chloe. You are. Please. Go."
Chloe picked up her bag and walked to the door.
"I'm so sorry you think I would cheat on you Beca. But you know I wouldn't. I'll go, but don't think I don't love you anymore. If you want to talk, or want me back. I'm here. I'll always be here. Waiting for you." Chloe walked out. Beca watched her walk. She couldn't believe this was happening. Chloe just left, and she made her.
Chloe got downstairs and by this point, her face was drenched in tears. She went into the kitchen to Beca's mom.
"Cindy?" Beca's mom looked at Chloe.
"Chloe? What's wrong honey?"
"Uhm, Beca seems to believe I cheated on her. I promise you, I didn't. But she, uh she told me to go. So I'm going to go. Thank you for letting me stay here but I think I'm just gonna get a flight back to New York. Can you let Beca know that I'll have my stuff moved out by the time she gets home?" Cindy was so confused. She nodded.
Chloe began to walk away but she stopped and without turning around said, "please tell her I'll be waiting. I'll always be waiting for her. I did nothing and neither of us deserve this. But I'll keep waiting."
"Okay Chloe. I'm so sorry honey." Cindy said quietly.
Chloe left. She got on a plane to New York, emptied her stuff from the apartment, and got a new place.
Beca returned home the next week to an empty home. Not even a home anymore, an empty room. She fell on the bed and cried. Then she texted Amy.

7:21pm: Ames❤️
Beca: Amy, I wanted to tell you first. Chloe is gone. We broke up.
Ames❤️: what? Beca? This is a joke right? Bloe is forever!
Beca: no it's not ames. She's gone.
Ames❤️: shortstack I'm so sorry. I'll be there as soon as I can
Beca: thank you Amy.
Ames❤️: anytime BM

A/n: I'm so sorry . I genuinely cried writing this. Bloe is forever! Or so we thought..😪

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