12. Our Future

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A/N. Hope you're enjoying so far! If you're wondering why the last few chapters were made it's bc I wanted to show how strong Chloe and Beca's relationship is and that they work together well. anyway, this chapter will be set between pp2&3 when they are living with Amy in New York.

Straight after winning worlds, Beca, Chloe, and Amy all moved to New York City together. All they could afford was a one bedroom apartment with a living room/kitchen area. Beca had gotten a job as a music producer and Chloe was working to get into vet school. Amy sang on street corners sometimes but other than that all she did was sleep and meet her boyfriends. In their apartment, Amy had the bedroom. She had dibs on it since, in her words, "that pull out bed wouldn't support an Australian like me, but, say, two teeenyy tiny Americans? It would be able." Beca and Chloe agreed to share the small pullout bed in the living room because they saw no point in arguing with Amy and they also wanted to share a bed anyway. It had now been 2 months since living here and the girls got into a bit of a routine.

1:37pm: My BecBex
My BecBex: hi chlobear I'm otw now to pick up the food so I'll be with u in about 20 mins xxx love, your becs
Chloe: okay baby c u soon xxx I'm just finishing up something and I'll be ready xxx love, chlo bear

Beca and Chloe worked in close proximity to each other. 6 blocks to be exact. Right in the middle of them was their favourite restaurant. Almost every day, Beca would leave work, pick up food at the restaurant, pick up Chloe, and they would walk 2 more blocks to Central Park. They settled into this routine after the first time they did it.

It was a warm July day and Beca decided to surprise Chloe for lunch. They had recently been to a little restaurant for dinner and Beca realised it was on the way to Chloe's work. She picked up food for them and went to get Chloe. Then they walked, arm in arm, towards Central Park. They strolled around for a bit before Chloe saw the perfect spot for them to eat. There was a massive tree with a place for them to sit, the tree moulded perfectly with them so they used it as a back rest. About half way through their lunch, it started raining all of a sudden, but the tree was so big it protected them. They sat there and watched as people ran through the rain, saw children and dogs jumping in muddy puddles, and watched as elderly couples walked holding hands under umbrellas. They both thought it was perfect. Ever since then, they had gone there every day for lunch.

Beca smiled to herself as she thought about that day. It had been perfect but somehow every day after it got better. Beca pressed the buzzer for Chloe's office when she got to the building.
"Coming becs" Chloe said through the intercom.
Two minutes later, Chloe emerged from the office complex.
"Hey baby." Beca pulled Chloe in for a hug.
"Hi my girl." Chloe kissed Beca on the cheek. They stared into each others eyes for a minute before Beca held out her arm motioning for Chloe to link her.
"Shall we milady?" Beca half curtsied making Chloe giggle. They walked towards the park. 
"How has your day been?" Beca loved hearing Chloe talk and she loved hearing about everything she did. Usually their whole walk was Chloe telling Beca stories of everything that happened that day. This walk was no different to the others. Chloe started spouting off everything she did and saw and learned. She almost put Beca in a trance. It didn't take them long to get to their tree and they sat down and started eating. All the while, people watching too.
"Awh B, look at that family!" Chloe pointed at a young family. The parents no older than them with a small boy, maybe 2, in between them. They were all holding hands and the parents were swinging him back and forth. Chloe loved the sound of his laughter. Beca knew that Chloe always had baby fever and she couldn't wait until one day when she could give Chloe what she wanted. But they both knew that right now, it just wasn't achievable for them.
"Yeah they're cute chlo. That's gonna be us someday." Beca squeezed Chloe's hand when she said this. Chloe turned to look at Beca and leaned in to kiss her.
"You know becs, I think we're gonna be great parents one day." Chloe smiled and started imagining what their kids would look like. Although the two girls were still young, they both knew they would be together forever.
"I think our first will be a girl. She'll have blue eyes like mine and brown hair like yours. She'll have your amazing smile and my need to be friendly to everyone. She'll be perfect." Chloe thought out loud and Beca couldn't help but wonder how she became so lucky.
"Our first huh? We'll have more than one?" Beca knew they would have more kids but wanted to hear Chloe's thoughts.
"Oh yes! She'll need a little brother. He'll look exactly like you and be into music but he'll also have my love for animals. Maybe when he's first born he'll have a tint of my hair but it'll get darker when he grows up. And our last child will be another girl. She'll have my hair and my eyes but, unfortunately for us, your attitude." Chloe shoved Beca to show she was messing about the last part but Beca already knew that. They both started laughing and cuddle into one another.
"Hey chlo." Chloe looked up at Beca's face from resting on her chest.
"Can you pass me that fork?" Chloe was confused but she sat up and gave Beca the fork. Beca stood up and walked around the tree. When she was at the other side she leaned around and called Chloe over. Chloe walked over to her. Beca was staring at the tree.
"What do you see?" Chloe was confused at what Beca was asking her. It was just a tree. 
"A tree?"
"Nope. This isn't just a tree. It's our future." Beca took the fork and started carving their initials into the tree. In a love heart, now there forever. It said 'B&C 4ever'. Chloe rested her head on Beca's shoulder and they both looked at the writing.
"Our future." Chloe repeated and a tear fell down her cheek. She lifted her head but Beca's was already about to connect with her lips. They stood there, kissing, as if they were the only people to exist in the world. Even though they weren't, to them they were all that mattered.

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