2: ICCA Finals!

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It was 9am and Aubrey's alarm was going off. She got up and went to wake Chloe. When she got to the kitchen/living area she saw the girl curled up in a ball on the couch, fast asleep, with mascara covering her face. Aubrey woke her up and while Chloe got ready for the performance Aubrey made them breakfast. She then texted into the Bella's groupchat to make sure everyone was ready to go soon.

Aubrey: Hey Bella's! Everyone up and ready to go at 9:45??
Stacie: jeezz blondie it's too early! ill be ready to go but let me enjoy my last three minutes before my alarm! :/
Fat Amy: I didn't even sleep! I've been practicing my mermaid dancing and don't u worry I got it nailed down now! Ready to win this thing :))))
Веса: yep im ready
CR: I'm ready. Does anyone wanna sit with me on the bus? - not you denise before u try anything.
Denise: ready! Harsh CR. I still love you.
Jessica: me and ash are ready !
Chloe: mhm.

9:20am - Beca Mitchell (ugh)
Beca Mitchell (ugh): hey Aubrey, sorry to message but is Chloe okay? She left really suddenly last night and I think she was crying?
Can u ask her to call me?
Aubrey: Hi Beca. Yes, she's okay, don't worry about her. I'll tell her call. See you in 25 minutes.
Don't be late!

Aubrey couldn't believe Beca texting her after her being the reason for Chloe being so sad.

The Bella's all met at the bus and were on the road by 9:50am. They didn't have far to go, only about an hour, but the competition started at
11:30am and they wanted to watch as much as they could before they were on at 12:15pm. They all got ready in the dressing room and then watched some of the acts. The Treblemakers, Barden Universities other group to make it to finals, was on right before them and they saw each other side stage. Jesse was in that group.
"Hey" Beca said to Jesse. "Good luck"
"Thanks, you too" Jesse was very hostile but Beca didn't blame him. She hoped that he wouldn't be like that after her performance though.
The Trebles finished and it was time for the Bella's to go.
"I love you awesome nerds." Beca said before they went on stage. Chloe's heart hurt because she knew Beca would never be saying that to just her.
They went on stage and crushed it. They won.
They actually won. Right after the performance Beca rushed off stage and ran to Jesse. She kissed him, and he kissed her back. But something didn't feel right. He didn't feel right. Beca thought it would be some big revelation when she kissed him but she felt nothing. Why didn't she feel anything?? She was thankful to hear the girls calling her to go celebrate. She quickly said goodbye to Jesse and ran up to Chloe who she linked arms with.
"Chlo!! Can you believe it? We actually won!"
"I know it's pretty cool." Chloe said coldly.
"Chlo what's wrong? We won!" Chloe smiled softly.
"Yeah I know Becs. It's awesome!"
"There's my girl! I knew you were happy." Chloe looked at Beca and thought, 'my girl', if only that were true.

The Bella's went out to the one bar near Barden that served under age people. Soon enough Stacie was off dancing with some guy and everyone else was sitting in a booth getting drunk enough to get up and dance. Chloe and Beca were beside each other just like always. Beca saw Jesse off in the distance and turned to Chloe.
"Hey Chlo can I squeeze past you? I just want to go talk to Jesse." Chloe smiled and moved for Beca to get out, now she was beside Aubrey. She watched Beca walk over to Jesse.
"You okay Chlo?" Aubrey asked. Chloe just nodded.

Jesse saw Beca approaching and he lit up, that was until he saw her expression.
"Jess.." Beca trailed off before continuing.
"Shit Beca what? I can see the bad mood from a mile away."
"Jesus Jesse there's no need to be harsh."
"Yes there is. You're about to do something stupid."
"No I'm not. This isn't stupid. I'm sorry Jesse. I thought we had something but, and I'm really sorry, that kiss meant nothing to me. I thought it would and I wanted it to but it didn't." Jesse stared blankly at Beca. Then he grabbed her waist and started making out with her. She pushed him off.
"Jesse! What the fuck!" He ignored her and started kissing her again.
She pushed him again.
"Jesse fuck off." She tried to walk away but he grabbed her and whispered in her ear.
"You don't get to kiss me and not give me any more you bitch. Give me more and I'll let you go."
"Jesse what-" Beca was getting scared when she saw the look in Jesse's eyes. She turned her head and Chloe was looking at her. Beca gave Chloe a look which, in Beca's head was saying 'help me'.
Apparently it came out as that in Chloe's mind too because she jumped up and ran over.
"Hey Becs! Come dance!" Chloe grabbed Beca's arm.
"Hands off. Me and Beca are gonna head off.
Aren't we. Becs?" Jesse over pronounced'Becs' to show that he could call her that too. Beca looked longingly at Chloe, scared to say anything.
"Just one dance Jesse, I'll bring her straight back!" Chloe pleaded. Beca looked up at Jesse and smiled.
"Fine. One. Then she's mine." Chloe nodded and pulled Beca away.

"Beca what the fuck just happened?" Chloe was getting protective. Beca could tell because Chloe never cursed.
"He-h-" Beca couldn't form the words.
"Go on Beca I have you now."
"I tried to tell him the kiss meant nothing because I like someone else but he was trying to force me to go have sex with him and he wouldn't stop kissing me. I'm scared Chloe." Beca started crying and Chloe's heart broke. But, who did Beca like if she didn't like Jesse? Chloe gave Beca a hug and brought her to Aubrey. Aubrey looked confused.
"Aubs, watch Beca. I need to sort something out."

Chloe stormed over to Jesse.
"Jesse Swanson! Douchebag!" People stared.
"Chloe. Where's Beca? We need to go."
"No. You don't. Beca won't be going anywhere with you, not now, not ever." Jesse laughed.
"What do you mean Chloe? Beca's my girlfriend.
Now where is she?"
"Beca's not your girlfriend. She just tried to tell you that before you forced her to kiss you. And you were just about to take her to force her to have sex with you. Don't deny it fuckface. She just told me."
"Chloe seriously. I love Beca. I wouldn't do that."
"Whatever Jesse. Just know to leave her alone from now on okay? Or you'll regret it."
"Oh, will I?" Jesse stepped closer to Chloe. He whispered. "What will you do about it baby?" He reached his arm behind Chloe and grabbed her ass. Without thinking she kneed him in the crotch.
"Fuck!" He exclaimed.
"I'll have my brother after you. You might know him, Connor Beale." Everyone knew Chloe's brother and everyone feared him. His temper was more fiery than his bright red Beale hair.
"Shit, okay. I'll leave her alone" Chloe walked away, content that she had saved Beca.

"Beca, it's okay. He won't bother you again."
"Thank you Chloe." Beca gave Chloe a hug.

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