22. Ironic

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Chloe woke up to the feeling of soft kisses being placed on her neck and upper chest. She slowly opened her eyes, adjusting to the light, and saw Beca wrapped around her kissing her.
"Hey baby." Chloe said in her low, smoky, morning voice.
"Morning my love." Beca kissed Chloe on her cheek before lifting herself out of the bed. Chloe couldn't help but stare. Neither of them were wearing anything, the aftermath of last night. Beca turned around and raised her eyebrows.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer Beale."
"Is that permission??" Chloe grabbed her phone and Beca posed awkwardly.
"Sexy babe." Chloe giggled as she looked at the weird pose her girlfriend had pulled for her.
"Oh shut up!" Beca walked into the bathroom to grab her robe, then she headed to make breakfast for the two.
"Chlo, we need to leave in 45 minutes!" Beca shouted out to Chloe. It was 9:00am and they would be leaving soon to go and meet David Guetta. Chloe still couldn't believe it.
"Okay I'm almost ready!" Chloe answered and finished getting ready. She had curled her hair and was wearing black jeans with a pink cropped top and a grey zippy sweater, that belonged to Beca.
Beca walked into the bedroom and saw Chloe.
"Like the hoodie?" Beca said sarcastically.
"Eh, it's alright I guess." Chloe winked back at Beca. This banter is what got them both through tough days and it only made good days even better.
"I have breakfast made, pancakes, let's eat and we can go."
Beca quickly got changed into blue skinny jeans and a black sweater.
They went and ate breakfast and started to walk to Beca's work.

"So, you excited?" Beca squeezed Chloe's hand as they walked into the building.
"I don't even know what I'm feeling." Chloe was getting nervous but she knew this was a once in a lifetime opportunity and Beca would be with her the whole time anyway.
"It's gonna be 'awes' Chlo." Beca used the phrase Chloe always used to use in college.
They reached Beca's office and her assistant walked up to her.
"Ms. Mitchell, Mr. Guetta is waiting for you in your office."
"Thanks Lottie, remember you can call me Beca."
"Right, beca." The young girl returned to her desk.
"Alright," Beca turned to face Chloe and grabbed both of her hands. "You ready?"
"As ready as I'll ever be." Chloe quickly pecked Beca on the cheek and they entered the office.

"Beca! Great to see you again!" David Guetta shook Chloe's hand.
"You too David. This is my girlfriend, Chloe." Beca motioned towards Chloe and Chloe extended out her hand towards David.
"Hi, I'm Chloe."
"Chloe! It's so great to meet you. You have an amazing voice, I can't wait to hear you live."
"Oh thank you! That means so much coming from you."
"Yes, Beca told me about your two history with my song, Titanium." David looked at Beca and laughed.
"Oh my god beca! You didn't!" Chloe lightly slapped Beca's arm and laughed.
"I needed to sell us Chlo!" Beca bumped shoulders with Chloe and smiled up at her.
"You two seem like a lovely couple. Shall we start?"
"Yeah sure. Any ideas yet dave?"
"Not really. How about either of you?"
Beca shook her head but Chloe nodded.
"Uhm, well, I'm not as into this stuff as either of you but I was thinking if Beca made a mix of your stuff that might be a cool way to bring everything together. Bec is really good at mashups."
"Really Beca? I thought you only wrote. That sounds great Chloe. Will we have a look at that Beca?"
"Yes of course." Beca then whispered to Chloe. "Great idea babe." She kissed her cheek.

"Beca Mitchell. Oh my god. That was incredible. Thank you so much love." The girls got home at around 5pm after a really productive day. They would need to set up a day to properly record everything but they had the whole album planned. Chloe even had a song that would be only her on it.
"You're welcome baby. Only the best for my girl."
"I love you so much Beca. I don't deserve you." Chloe took Beca into a hug.
"Yes you do my love. You deserve everything, and I plan on giving it to you." Chloe felt like the luckiest girl on the planet. She wondered how she ended up here, with Beca, the love of her life. She loved every second of it.
"I actually can't express how much love I have for you right now Beca. I can't put it into words." Chloe was feeling overwhelmed with her feelings for Beca right now. In that moment, Chloe decided something. She would text Aubrey in a while to talk to her about it.

"Do you want pizza or Thai food Chloe?" Beca called out from the bedroom. They were both too tired to cook so they were ordering in.
"You pick becs! I don't mind."
"Okay, I'll get pizza. Pepperoni?"
The food arrived pretty quickly. Beca got it from the door and tipped the delivery guy $5. She brought the food into the living area and they sat down to watch tv.
"Oh becs, this new movie came out can we see what it's like?"
"Sure baby. What's it called?"
"Uhhh... I think it's 'Someone Great'"
"Okay.. here it is. "

"That was really good Chlo, good choice."
Beca got no response and she looked at Chloe to see her fast asleep on Beca's shoulder. She slowly got up, turned the tv off, put away the rest of the pizza and then picked up Chloe to bring her to bed. Beca was carrying her bridal style. 'Ironic', she thought to herself. 'This could be happening for real soon.'

Beca laid Chloe into the bed, took off her shoes and jeans, and slipped shorts onto her. Then she tucked her under the covers, undressed herself, and hopped in beside Chloe. She cuddled into her to make herself warm and fell asleep.

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